How IoT is Disrupting the Aviation Industry

Vishal Pratap Singh | Saturday, 14 August 2021, 08:33 IST

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In the recent years, the aviation industry has started adopting Internet of Things (IoT) technology considering its potential benefits. It can be used for many purposes like enhancing passenger experience, predictive maintenance, revenue management and scheduling. Because of these capabilities of IoT, it is needed by airlines today and is going to play a significant role in the aviation industry. The global aviation IoT market is estimated to reach 25.13 billion dollar by the year 2025. IoT can be deployed by the smart airports for providing a delightful user experience.      

The presence of IoT in aviation industry has changed the methods of the industry as sensor based systems and connected devices pave the way for regulation and management of various kinds. “Regardless of the technology or applications involved, IoT can have the biggest impact on planes and airports when the technology is incorporated into this business model,” says Amit Sukhija, Founder and CEO, ZestIoT.

Safety of the Plane

There are many kinds of sensors used in the plane for different purposes, be it for tracking the angle of aeroplane, velocity of aeroplane, weather conditions etc. These sensors are connected to a central system which helps the devices to communicate with each other. Due to these sensors, this whole scenario of plane can also be monitored by the staff at ground control and they can provide some help in case of any emergency. Sensors contribute in the efficient functioning and maintenance of the plane resulting in the comfort of the travellers. IoT helps in transmitting the data and creates the communication if there is any irregularity in any part of the plane.

Helps in Maintenance     

IoT helps to make sure that the proper maintenance of the planes takes place after every flight. IoT systems are able to track and read the present condition as well as on-air condition of the plane which has been arrived in recent time. IoT systems track the condition of each and every part of the plane. IoT systems provide the real time information about the parts of plane and detect the defects if it is there. So, without wasting any time here and there, the concerned authorities or engineers can start working on the defective parts. This will set the plane ready for next flight without any delay and will ultimately provide safety to the plane and the passengers travelling in it.   

For example, recently Virgin Atlantic’s Boeing 787 is attached to a wireless airplane network which helps in tracking its real time performance data which ultimately helps in the maintenance of the plane.

Improves the Comfort of Passengers

There are sensors placed in the plane that automatically maintains the inside temperature depending on weather forecasting. IoT can help in providing a comfortable and smooth experience to all the passengers through different services. For example, passengers can get notifications about the arrival and departure time of the plane, location of gates for entry and exit. Mainly those who are frequent flier, do not face any problem but the first timers do and then they can get a lot of help through these services.

Security Issues

Usually it is seen that the airline industries operates in a highly secure and conservative environment which might create a problem while the adoption of IoT. Everybody is aware about the problems that come with internet. The first and foremost problem with internet is security, which should be kept in mind while adopting IoT. The authorities need to protect on-board systems through cyber security, as there are hackers who are looking to hijack aircraft through these loopholes of IoT. Aviation authorities need to think about the ways to keep certain data related to passengers secure.

Increase in Budget of Aviation Industry

When the planes will be connected with IoT systems, automatically the rates of tickets will increase. Aviation authorities need to practice effective cost control to maintain all the IoT related operations and meet consumer demand within the affordable rates. Arrangement of extra budget to finance IoT systems could create a burden over aviation authorities. When physical devices are connected digitally, the compromise of digital data can have real time consequences. Therefore, with the adoption of IoT, safety and data privacy are increasingly linked.

Lagging Behind in Expertise

With the growing adoption of IoT in aviation industry, the major concerns rising are about the roles and responsibilities of airport authorities. They need to be technology friendly before starting work on this technology otherwise they will face problems. To solve this problem, airport authorities should check for the gap in technical skills and interaction of their employees. Also, training programs can be organised more frequently for the employees to increase their interaction with this new technology.

The Way Forward

Due to the wide network of interconnected computing devices, the lifestyle of people has already changed a lot. After the entrance of IoT in aviation industry, experts are foreseeing the link that would connect the emerging technologies and allow the digital age of aviation to prosper. IoT can be proved as a game-changer for aviation industry.