How to get real Instagram followers in 2019 By CIOReview Team

How to get real Instagram followers in 2019

CIOReview Team | Monday, 04 March 2019, 04:48 IST

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 How to get real Instagram followers in 2019Do you want to learn about the ways to grow your audience on Instagram in 2019? If yes, then follow our guide on how do you grow your account. Without massive Instagram followers you can’t leverage this platform especially if you are a brand or want to become Instagram famous. However, you can also buy real Instagram followers or use bots to get followers in a very less time. But use these tips with these paid methods that will help you to gain followers insanely.

  • A well-crafted profile is a backbone to grow your account and your Instagram presence. It includes the name, website link, username and bio. Your Instagram name must be simple because it help the audience to find you on Instagram more easily. Use the same username on Instagram as your other social profiles. The limit of Instagram bio description is 150 characters. Write a compelling bio that convey the identity of your brand.
  • Consider tagging the relevant users, influencers, bloggers and brands in your posts. Tag them in your photo instead of caption because when you tag them in your photo, Instagram will notify them and they will visit your profile.
  • Also ask your followers to tag their friends in your posts. You can add call to actions at the end of your caption. When people will tag their friends, you will get more views, shares, comments and likes that in turns give you a number of new followers.
  • Try to tag location in each post because when you do the same, there are more chances that your post will show up the location page. This way, more people will see your post and lands on your profile. Research suggests that people tend to like those account that they discover them indirectly.
  • Running contest is a great strategy regardless of whether you are a big account or small business. It help you to grow your account, drive traffic to your website and generate more sales.
  • Use Instagram stories effectively that will not only help you to grab the attention of more people and also give you a good amount of followers.
  • Buying followers is an easy and hassle-free method to gain followers on Instagram. You can buy followers and increase your following count overnight.
  • However, the trend of live videos grows on social media but Instagram is the perfect place to take advantage of it. You can go live and broadcast yourself. The people who follow you on Instagram will get notification when you go live. Live videos are the attention-grabbing way that garners a number of new followers, so give it a try.
  • Keep an eye on trending hashtags, relevant keywords and discover the opportunities to engage with. Find other accounts in your niche and like bunch of photos, leave comments and share their posts. You will get new followers in return.
  • Use Instagram analytics to track the performance of your posts and use the stats to make your Instagram growth strategy.

How to get real Instagram followers in 2019