How to Use Real Estate Video Marketing To Sell More Property

CIOReviewIndia Team | Friday, 04 September 2020, 10:15 IST

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How to Use Real Estate Video Marketing To Sell More PropertyReal estate is among the most volatile industries one can invest in. The prices of real estate can often fluctuate vigorously, rising and falling tens of percentage points in brief periods. This volatility and uncertainty have contributed to real estate not being the investment of choice for people, mostly individual and domestic investors.

Over the past few years, scores of realty developers have begun to understand the importance of real estate marketing. Real estate agents need to be able to explain things clearly to prospective investors and also follow through with deals. 

Video marketing can be an essential tool for real estate developers to put their message across to investors and encourage them to move forward with the deal in question. Here are some ways in which you can use video marketing to sell more estate.

  1. Cold Videos: Cold videos are among the most regularly used ways in which real estate developers choose to reach out to prospective investors. This may be done by procuring or buying an email list of people who have signed up for a real estate service, or even by sending random emails to all your contacts. It is prudent here to note that most prospective investors are going to hire the first agent that they meet, and it is hence wise to always be an option for them by sending an email.
  2. YouTube: Large real estate developers can choose to have a YouTube channel of their own. They will also find it easy to get their channel verified by YouTube, which considerably increases the reach of the video. If you can publish regular and relatable video content with remarkable consistency, you are bound to see a visible increase in the sales of your company. However, the quality of the video must not suffer, since a video with bad production quality, or one that has no new information to offer to the customer, can also lead to significant harm for your brand. YouTube videos can also be converted into Facebook advertisements using the best Facebook ad template available on multiple video making portals online.
  3. Testimonials: If you have had customers before who have been happy with you or even been able to close a deal with you, it is wise to get a testimonial from them. The testimonial may be in the form of a video or even a written note of appreciation. The video may be published on your social media accounts for your followers to see and share. The written testimonials may be either published in your prospectus or on social media as a textual post.
  4. Neighbourhood Tours: This is a modern way of video marketing using YouTube or other forms of social media. If you have a considerable real estate presence in a particular area, you may choose to provide a neighbourhood tour of the place around your real estate. You can showcase the various amenities and entertainment options available to those who may choose to stay in that area.
  5. Property Tours: Since the advent of the TV, property tours have been among the most prevalent property selling methods, both offline and online. You may have seen TV shows or ads that take you on a tour of a newly furnished property that is currently looking for tenants or buyers. These videos can be viral, depending on the property, and often get hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube as well. Property tours are generally an exhaustive walkthrough of the features and advantages of property, meant to convince buyers to purchase.
  6. Profile Video: Instead of focusing on the property or the neighbourhood, the real estate agent or developer can also choose to focus on the company or the prestige and heritage of the firm. They can showcase their history and previous sales, as well as showcase a portfolio of the various properties that they are currently selling. As with any industry, buyers are more likely to invest through a company that has a decent history of satisfied customers, as compared to a company that is new in the market and has not sold a lot of property.
  7. Contract Walkthrough: The contract is an integral part of any real estate deal. The customer will always be interested in knowing what the contract has to offer and how the arrangement of your company is more beneficial for the prospective investor than any other warranty. For this purpose, especially during times when physical meetings are not possible, it is wise to make a video as a contract walkthrough, in which each clause of the contract can be taken up and explained to prospective investors. This increases the trust of the investor in your company as well as the investor’s probability of going through with the deal.
  8. Ask Me Anything: An Ask Me Anything video is a kind of video which is generally recorded live, and in which customers can ask you questions in real-time. These questions do not necessarily need to be live and can be collected from prospective investors before the video has been recorded. These videos help answer people’s doubts about the properties that you are selling as well as your own company. This can be taken as a trust-building exercise and can do wonders toward increasing sales.
  9. Recruiting Videos: Recruiting videos are videos not necessarily aimed at prospective clients but toward prospective future agents. If you are currently recruiting and looking for agents that can take work of your company far and wide, recruiting videos can be an excellent method to show off the achievements of your company, much as you would to a client. Clients can also be impressed by these videos when they come across them.

Video marketing is a useful tool for the real estate industry and needs to be taken up more and more by developers and agents alike. So choose a type of video, and prepare for an increase in sales.