Ideas for Solving the Global Learning Crisis in 2019 By CIOReview Team

Ideas for Solving the Global Learning Crisis in 2019

CIOReview Team | Monday, 13 May 2019, 10:00 IST

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The struggle to find ways that would solve the education problems in the world and with it, the learning crisis, is real. Experts around the world continuously seek the answers to these questions, aiming to prepare the youth for the new, modern marketplace.

The goal is one – to achieve quality education for everyone and prepare them for the changes in the career world. To achieve this is another, more complex matter. As with every grand issue, the need of reforms is imminent. By choosing the right reforms and implementing them strongly into the educational system, the world can ensure that the youth receives an equal, high quality of education that lets them realize their full potentials.

But, what should these reforms do? Many have discussed the solution on how to solve lack of education around the world. Some of the top reforms they’ve come up with are the following:

Fill teacher gaps

Teacher gaps are a serious problem. Many countries nowadays can’t teach their children because they lack the talent to do this. It’s a huge challenge, even for primary education, which is why countries have begun to activate a policy focused on such shortfall.

Even so, the process is going rather slowly. Many volunteering opportunities have been opened to fill teacher gaps in places where educators are most needed. These places don’t just include the developing countries, but also some developed countries. However, the learning conditions are also quite bad in such locations, creating a need for more immediate, more active participation of the educational system.

Train teachers to meet the needs of all children

Every teacher needs continuous training and professional development. In fact, every professional in the world needs this, but this is emphasized for those who have to shape the minds of the young people. Before a teacher starts a class, they must be prepared to spread the knowledge to children and students of higher levels.

Even so, many countries still lack such training and development. Many teachers don’t undergo pre-service programs or are part of any further training since their employment in an academic institution. With the technology advances, the educators that aren’t trained often fall behind and the quality of education suffers greatly.

Why? Well, for example, teachers need to start utilizing technology to promote better and modern learning. Those who aren’t trained in technology won’t be able to do this, therefore taking a great learning opportunity away from their students.

Ideas for Solving the Global Learning Crisis  in 2019

Without proper training, teachers won’t be able to stay in pace with the latest educational developments. Let’s face it – the changes are occurring every day, every minute. New teaching practices appear in the educational system continuously and without stopping, and so are assignments and subjects. For example, an educator that’s not trained in technology isn’t able to help students find the best political science thesis topics for their paper. This can seriously impact their education and ruin their chances of academic excellence.

Get teachers to where they are needed most

One of the most accepted solutions to educational problems is talent placement. To solve the first issue with the educational deficit, governments need to create opportunities that won’t just train or recruit talent, but will also place it where it’s most needed.

Ideas for Solving the Global Learning Crisis  in 2019

With an adequate compensation, quality housing, support, and perhaps even bonus pay, those with large amount of educational talent can fill the teacher gaps in the countries that lack it.

The biggest problem occurs in developing countries and remote areas. With that in mind, the biggest reform that can be put in action is to motivate teachers to move to those locations and teach or train the young people.

Improve teacher governance to maximize impact

With updates in governance policies, the countries worldwide can address the issues related to misconduct on behalf of educators. In many countries, these issues are common and hardly ever punished. The educators are often absent or overburdened, take on private classes or promote gender discrimination in the academic institution.

Teacher training can improve this a lot, but there’s also the need of teacher governance that will ensure the good behavior of the educators. And of course, steps should be taken to ensure that teachers have good working conditions and do not feel overburdened with tasks.

Finally, if teachers don’t respond to the governance and still break the educational rules and endanger the education of students, they need to be punished for their misconduct.

Ideas for Solving the Global Learning Crisis  in 2019

Attract the best candidates to teaching

The final goal is to create enough talent to cover those teacher gaps. Ideally, teacher talent won’t have to be relocated forever. With the current relocations and improvements in the educational system, the process of training future teachers must also be put into action.

It’s highly important for the young people to have educators with enough qualifications to properly teach them. Because of such guidance, students are often overwhelmed or opt to hire a team of essay writers for help because they can’t organize properly. Because of the lack of experience and education of the educators themselves, we are facing poor guiding of students of all ages.

Develop classroom assessments to help teachers identify and support students at risk of not learning

Some students will learn less than others or be less enthusiastic and motivated. To improve this matter, teachers need to first determine which student needs their support and guidance. Therefore, the necessary reform is to create assessments that will be used in classroom to identify the children at risk of not properly learning the material.

Also, such assessments need to be created with the goal to support such students, as a kind of an aid for the educators. However, once such tools are created, teachers will need to be trained to use them in the classroom, which once again puts an emphasis of teacher training.


Education is the leading force of our world. It’s what keeps us moving and advancing. Without proper education, people will lose a lot. Since there are plenty of countries and educational institutions that lack proper education and conditions, the world constantly suffers. Incredible talents are not nurtured because of it and students aren’t given a proper shot at good education.

Because of this, some reforms must come into action immediately. Experts have discussed this a lot in the past decade, and the reforms above are the most essential ones our world has decided on.

Author’s Bio

Michael Turner is far from an ordinary writer and educator. He holds two Master’s degrees – one in translation and one in literature, making him one of the best experts in the field. Those who wish to learn from his wise words and take his advice can follow Michael on Twitter.