CIOReview Team | Wednesday, 27 February 2019, 10:05 IST
Intel is the world’s second largest chip manufacturers by revenue. It recently announced its new chips and partnerships. Intel being chip makers has got into the wireless data business with its acquisition of German modem maker Infineon in 2011. Intel hopes that, the billions of dollars invested in research and development of 5G networking technology will pay off.
Intel competes with its rivals such as Qualcomm Inc and MediaTekInc, who have lower margins than compared to that of Intel; they have established flagship processor chips that go into personal computers and data centres. Intel’s sole modem customer is Apple Inc, whose iPhones are featured by Intel modem chips that connects to mobile data networks. Intel has made its plans to sell modems to auto makers for its application in connected vehicles and also to the manufacturers to use for connecting the industrial equipment. “Intel's future in 5G networks, which are expected to roll out this year and next and be much faster than current 4G networks, extends beyond selling modems to phone makers and Intel will be landing with other chips, processors. Investors had been anxious on Intel when we were catching up for a while. Now we're at a stage where we believe we have products that are as good as anybody in the industry as we move into 5G," said Intel's chief executive.
Intel said it has dealt with network gear makers, Fibocom wireless Inc, Arcadyan Technology Corp and others to include Intel modem chips in modules and gateways that will help industrial equipment connect with 5G networks. The company has also introduced new programmable chips that will compete against Xilinx Inc, which has seen the most recent revenue boost from 5G deals. Intel is aiming to introduce and sell the versions of its flagship processors that can be used in 5G base stations which also helps to carry mobile phone signals back to core networks and Intel’s CEO has also said it has reached deals with Ericsson and ZTE Corp to use Intel processors in their 5G networking gear.
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