CIOReviewIndia Team | Wednesday, 06 January 2021, 08:46 IST
The previous year, India suffered the longest internet shutdowns for the second time and it impacted the biggest economic lain of $2.8 billion, withstanding a loss of 8927 hours. This affected 10.3 million users in total, reported by the United Kingdom-based privacy and security research firm Top 10VPN.
Prior to 2020, India continued to restrict internet access compare to any other country – over 75 times in 2020.
The researchers said, “The majority of these short blackouts were highly-targeted, affecting groups of villages or individual city districts and so were not included in this report, which focuses on larger region-wide shutdowns. The true economic cost is therefore likely to be even higher than the $2.8 billion we have calculated."
The authorities of Kashmir lifted restrictions in March 2020 after imposing them in August 2019.
The researchers also mentioned, “However, after the restrictions were lifted authorities continued to severely throttle internet speeds, with citizens only able to access 2G connections."
The internet blackouts in India lasted for almost 1655 hours while the bandwidth throttling resulted in a loss of 7272 hours.
The report mention, “India and Myanmar were responsible for the longest shutdowns for the second year running, with restrictions originally imposed in 2019 continuing throughout 2020.”
Chad again restricted access to WhatsApp when they blocked the app for more than a year in 2018/19.
"Combined, these countries experienced a total 64% increase in the number of hours of restrictions in 2020, despite the global public health emergency.”
The worldwide internet shutdowns resulted the world economy suffering, and it got devastated by the Covid-19 pandemic with a further loss of $4 billion.
This point towards a 50 percent decrease in impact compared to $8.05 billion in 2019.
Almost 268 million people got affected by major disruptions in 2020 in different parts of the globe, up 3 percent year-on-year.
As per the report, 93 major shutdowns took place in 21 countries in 2020 and the total duration of major disruptions around the world was about 27165 hours, almost 49 percent from the previous year.
Worldwide internet blackouts resulted in 10693 hours loss and internet throttling in 10920 hours loss.
The report said that shutdowns resulted in 5552 hour social media loss.
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