InvestPro UAE Dubai 2023 Conference - your great opportunity to rise!

CIOTechoutlook Team | Tuesday, 22 August 2023, 13:28 IST

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Since the beginning of the spring of 2020, the world has been faced with unpredictable events caused by the Сovid 19 pandemic. It has forced millions of people around the world to abandon their usual way and rhythm of life and feel to the full what it is like to be a hostage of their own home. Working & studying processes, rest & sport and even events began to be implemented in a new way, because people's lives did not pause, everyone was looking for a way out of the situation, to ease amortization and adapt to the new requirements of the reality of pandemic.

“We had to put up with new conditions, we couldn't let people down who believe in our business and look forward to participate in the InvestPro or the WealthPro conferences, continuing to develop together with Bosco Conference” – Bosco Conference CEO. During the global pandemic, we organized various workshops and online conferences, but comparing this experience with pre-quarantine times and with the conditions that exist now, after the cancellation of the corona virus, we can clearly state that online cannot completely replace offline, no matter how much effort people make to this.

There are undisputed advantages of online events - this includes saving the budget for their conducting, greater opportunities to invite foreign speakers who will not have problems with logistics, because they can join the conversation while sitting at home, as well as wider coverage among the audience. After a year and a half of practice in organizing online occasions we definitely realize that, unfortunately, to keep the "dynamics" of the event in the right rhythm is almost impossible, the audience will always turn off and, at best, return to the speaker they are interested in. And this is understandable - it is difficult to force a person to sit at the monitor for several hours in a row.

Therefore, online clearly loses to physical contact. Since we organize conferences in order to create an amazing atmosphere of pleasant networking between all participants, speakers and partners who joined the event for the purpose of finding new contacts and expanding their professional horizons basing on new acquaintances, we, like no one else, see that networking, everyone expects for is suffering a lot.

Besides, it is impossible not to mention one of the most important reasons why people register for various conferences or events – the willing to listen skillful and interesting speakers who share their cases and may even influence the fate of audience in the future, because for someone a speaker can become a mentor, for someone to open the secret truth, and for others to give key advice that will lead to one hundred percent success. There is an art to making a speech, just as there is an art to painting a picture or composing music. It is called the art of oratory.

Bosco Conference has announced the annual international event InvestPro UAE Dubai 2023 conference, which is going to reset the business world of CIS, European, Middle East and Asian countries. This year participants of the occasion will meet in the working space of luxurious Indian themed Taj Dubai hotel, featuring panoramic views of Burj Khalifa on the 25th of September, 2023.

InvestPro UAE Dubai 2023 is a modern platform aimed to provide business professionals with unique latest information and to diversify their communication with colleagues and partners. “Specialists from all over the world have a chance to share their experience-based business tips and knowledge, as well as to expand the client and partner network” – Bosco Conference CEO.

12th annual InvestPro UAE Dubai 2023 conference is dedicated to the practical solutions for professionals in the field of finance, corporate business, wealth management, citizenship and immigration, international tax structuring, and for the companies oriented to international trade and investment. Each year it is visited by at least 200+ participants who are highly motivated to join this event, because of a strong desire to evaluate the high-quality organization, listen to up-to-date and useful speakers’ reports, to expand their contacts and present themselves in particular, establishing profound network of partnership relations, as well as to feel the atmosphere where the focus on development in world ruling fields of activities prevails. 

InvestPro UAE Dubai 2023 conference is a unique in its kind as it is to be held in the most pro-business and well-developed infrastructural Dubai city, in one of the most comfortable and splendid hotels, Taj Dubai, with engaging the highly professional and experienced speakers, who will present the most necessary and sensible topics for nowadays. All these points will enhance your new community connections as well as expand your professional relationships. You may discover opportunities to collaborate or partner up with other participants of the conference, which could lead to new projects, partnerships, or even joint ventures.

Take advantage of the chance – register with additional -10% discount using the promocode CIOTO via the link!

Source : Press Release