Samrat Pradhan (Correspondent) | Tuesday, 01 September 2020, 11:37 IST
If we look at the pace at which the technology is evolving today, it would be really hard for one to predict what would happen in the next few quarters. Technology has been enabling even faster change and progress, causing an acceleration of the rate of change. It has never been so important then today when it concerns building one’s IT infrastructure to support current market disruptions due to the digital revolution that is taking place everywhere. As per the situation, today’ workers will be constantly learning due to necessity to upskill and reskill themselves and become futu-ready.
IT has become the utmost necessity for every organization to adopt next-gen technology so as to stay competitive and stay relevant to the market ecosystem. And it means keeping your eyes on the future and honing your skills accordingly and being practically qualified to handle the next big change in the IT industry.
We can say that we are in the world that is going through hyper automation. Not only the steps of automation itself, but hyper automation would be the combination of multiple technologies that includes machine learning, automation tools, and packaged software to deliver seamless business operations. Today, there has been a major focus on hyper automation. Hence, it would require a combination of tools to support replicating pieces of where the human is involved across various tasks.
While speaking of technologies and IT space, here are some of the technologies that are bringing new trends in IT Space:
Artificial Intelligence
Integration of Artificial Intelligence allows recognition of images, speech or patterns and decision making. Hence, it has and will necessarily become one of the most demanded technologies across every industrial segment. AI capabilities can boost efficiency and productivity not only in IT infrastructure, but also be helpful from an overall business perspective. According to a report, out of six, five companies which utilizes AI capabilities to run their business whether it be in one form or the other; including navigation apps, streaming services, smartphone personal assistants, ride-sharing apps, home personal assistants, and smart home devices, among others.
Machine Learning
When it comes to the IT domain, Machine Learning has been one of the most significant technologies in creating the path for seamless digital transformation. This technology is especially programmed to effectively learn on its own intelligence by repeating tasks or communicating, discovering patterns and insights from data, to name a few. Furthermore, Machine Learning also has its subsets which includes NLP, neural networks, and deep learning. All these technologies are being integrated by the organizations to make their IT infrastructure future-proof, while also tackling every challenge that comes in front.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Another technology that has been slowly penetrating the IT infrastructure to aid in completing numerous mundane tasks so as to keep human effort for other significant operations. From processing transactions, interpreting applications, replying to emails, and dealing with data, ML will offer every needed capabilities to carry out operations especially in these times of pandemic.
Edge Computing
With major players AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud dominating the market, cloud computing has become mainstream as numerous businesses are migrating towards cloud solutions. It is the perfect time for Cloud technology to carry businesses towards the digital era. As this computing has been designed to solve some of the problems which are faced during the journey of the company, it will definitely play a crucial role in bringing the next big change in the world of business.