By Raj Sahu, CEO, Digiproton Technologies Private Limited | Tuesday, 13 October 2020, 05:39 IST
Education has ceased to be a process of just books, pens and blackboard. With almost 23% of the world being a student population, it is high time we, as a team, create a vision that we can follow and also create value for the education sector because economy, environment and culture are highly correlated to the education of the mass.
Online education is following through at a good pace but it has its gaps for the time being. Online teaching is generally fragmented, costly, lacks user friendliness and often doesn’t allow institutions to operate completely under their own brand. is world’s simplest platform which helps tutors to avoid paying for 4-5 applications in order to teach and grow completely online. I have known and I have been someone who suffered from many problems during my education due to the poor infrastructure of our country’s education system. It doesn’t have to be tough to learn in this modern era. Education should be simple, effective and highly accessible without having to rely on various applications to follow through, when one user friendly platform can do it.
As the industry pioneers, we are going to make that happen sooner than later by revolutionizing the education sector so that no one has to give up their dreams due to poor educational infrastructure.
The Education Technology Industry is moving towards making education more accessible through one to one learning, asynchronous lectures and efficient peer learning. This is all possible through a wholesome classroom experience where the students can reach the tutor personally and also discuss it online with their peers.
EdTech companies will also have to excel at customer support. According to Forbs Magazine Microsoft reported that 54% of respondents to a survey said that they have higher expectations for customer service than they had one year ago. is pioneering this revolution by providing a brilliant user-friendly interface. The discussions and forums held on the platform allow the students to delve deep into a topic and get innovative solutions to a single problem.
That is how collaborative learning is going to be the new normal of tomorrow’s educational infrastructure. also provides a performance tracking system where the performance of the students is analyzed and this analytics helps them to work their weak points. is Crafting the future of education where learning will be economical, collaborative, intuitive and fun.
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