Learn Cybersecurity From A Hacker's State of Mind By CIOReviewIndia Team

Learn Cybersecurity From A Hacker's State of Mind

CIOReviewIndia Team | Monday, 23 September 2019, 11:23 IST

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Learn Cybersecurity From A Hacker's State of Mind

“The field of cybersecurity is largely mysterious to those outside of it, even though it has become more important than ever.”

Being an online hacker currently cultivates an ethos of freedom, individuality, and subtle yet undeniable craftiness. At the same time, it is intriguing how a lone hacker can take down an entire business network, with only a handful of commands. As the world of the internet continues to spread, the threat of online frauds and other forms of cybercrimes continue to increase.

Even though businesses are vulnerable to the growing number of online threats, the field of cybersecurity is poorly understood outside of industry professionals. Modern-day enterprises need more professionals’ adept in cybersecurity practices to help create network structures that are secure from external threats such as hacking. This, in turn, has led to an increase in the number of professionals choosing cybersecurity certification in India.

Many institutes provide cybersecurity certification in India to make professionals understand a typical hacker’s mindset and gain specific skills to counter growing insurgences of hacking across business sectors.

Given the variety of cyber threats popping every minute, businesses can no longer choose to “respond” to the dangers – they need to identify and mitigate such cyber risks proactively.To do so, companies must enable their workforce with the necessary skill set to help secure the work environment against online threats. At the same time, businesses must work on developing a core team of cybersecurity professionals to identify potential vulnerabilities in their infrastructure and strategise their countermeasures against cyber threats.

There are many benefits to developing the mindset of a hacker to keep an organisation protected from future threats.

1. You may become more familiar with an organisation’s system and its vulnerabilities. Hence, protecting it from potential attacks.
2. Once you develop the mindset of a hacker, you gain the abilities to highlight the target areas which may become an entry point for the hackers to get inside the system. Thus, securing company data with necessary actions.
3. After highlighting the targeted areas, you can make profiles of the hackers or progress on the path followed by them.
4. Once concluded, you can either lower the breach time of the hacker or eliminate by taking necessary steps beforehand.

A career in cybersecurity is one of the most challenging yet thriving career opportunities. Completing cybersecurity certification in India can help develop such skills and mindset.These certification programs provide in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience on your problem solving and coding skills, emphasising on digital forensics, security policies, and other broad aspects of cybersecurity.

Cybersecurity certification in India also includes profound studies of IoT and related technologies, cyber fundamentals, advanced infrastructure, and more.

With the advances of community on the internet, cybersecurity may remain to protect the digital world. Hence, taking cybersecurity certification in India to secure your career is a viable path.

Nowadays, enterprises need to focus on keeping up with technological trends and security measures to counter the rising threat of cybercrimes. It is essential for business owners to protect digital assets from hacking and other forms of online threats, including malware, ransomware, phishing, and social engineering.

Cybersecurity certification in India allows professionals to explore offensive technologies used by hackers to help organisations create robust network architectures and secure online information exchange modules. The program is an association between Jigsaw Academy based in Bangalore and HackerU of Israel. The prime goal of the certification is to prepare professionals of cybersecurity with a unique hands-on approach and live attack simulations alongside developing a hacker’s state of mind.

Cyber experts from reputable cybersecurity certification providers help IT professionals learn various skills to secure government database, organisational and individual assets, the database of military forces and corporations, and more.