Leverage Google Cloud For Productivity-focused Solutions By Shijo Joseph, CIO, East-West Seed

Leverage Google Cloud For Productivity-focused Solutions

Shijo Joseph, CIO, East-West Seed

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Shijo Joseph, CIO, East-West SeedBusinesses today are dynamic and technology needs to be capable of scaling up and down through various stages of evolution. It has become imperative to align technology with our day to day business operations. Cloud makes this process easy as it is customizable and can be leveraged by businesses according to their requirements.

Along with its benefits, cloud brings about numerous challenges for the CIOs and the end users. The CIOs need to ensure that the Security is up to the mark. End-users would find it challenging to work in a fully transformed mobile and online environment. The ever increasing use of mobile technologies in consumer space reduces the challenges of pushing enterprise solutions on cloud and mobile platforms.

The cloud players in the market have their own niche areas and unique offerings. Companies should thoroughly scrutinize their requirement and need before opting for a cloud solution provider. What differentiates Google Cloud from Microsoft Azure and AWS is the fact that Google has always been a cloud player. They have evolved in cloud, so the solutions they offer to enterprises are focused on productivity and user experience. Their experience in working with consumer solutions over the years is really helping them deliver cloud solutions for the enterprise as well. Google Cloud, AWS and Microsoft Azure offer the same kind of services but Google Cloud’s approach towards productivity and simplicity differentiates them from the other players. They offer the same solution in a more integrated way. It is important to select the right cloud partner by looking at flexibility and transparency of their solutions.

“Google Cloud, AWS and Microsoft Azure offer the same kind of services but Google Cloud’s approach towards productivity and simplicity differentiates them from the other players”

Tackling Security Issues

Security is one of the most important factors in cloud computing. If the providers aren’t secure then they don’t have much to offer. They have to adopt the best methods to secure their environment because the risk they face is much more critical than the customer. The data is more secure in the cloud as the practices adopted by cloud solution providers are a step forward and the companies won’t even be able to adopt these practices in-house. If there is a security breach, the chances of infection in an on-premise environment would be much higher. One of the other reasons why security isn’t much of an issue is the fact that the cloud isn’t run on a single server; in fact the data centers are spread across the world. Data is distributed into multiple hardware environments so the chance of the entire environment getting affected is rare.

Google cloud helps in managing data efficiently. Google gives the user the power to manage the data. With Google, you can define who can have access to the document, who can read, who can write, who can delete etc. Advanced security controls help the user to decide who can share and move his documents around giving the user a complete control on his data.

Google helps in saving on infrastructure and administrative costs. If you do everything in-house like you take care of your email and file permissions in an organization, manage documents, it would involve lots of administrative tasks, backup and infrastructure costs. Cloud helps in saving on redundant infrastructure as it has the built in capacity to scale up and down based on business needs.

The Last Word

Google cloud is unique in the way it rolls out new features and updates. New updates come as an add-on to the user’s existing knowledge in a quite smooth and natural way. They roll out various features in different geographies at different times. You can even control the rollout of any new feature from the administrative panel.

Cloud technology is highly beneficial. The agility and accessibility of a cloud is superior to the use of in house technologies. There is going to be an increase in adoption of cloud as more users realize the benefits of cloud computing as it can open a whole new world of jobs, services, platforms, applications, and much more. The adoption of the Cloud platforms would also depend on how well they can integrate and provide a complete business platform. While Google has well evolved in the Infrastructure and communication space, their foray into solutions for Business technologies is at a very early stage. This is where Microsoft and AWS have an advantage.