Live Chat Support Is the Deal Maker

cioreviewindia Team | Wednesday, 28 July 2021, 04:51 IST

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Live Chat Support Is the Deal MakerYou know the drill: you gaze at the options on a website, trying to decide whether or not to follow through on a call-to-action or make a purchase. You desire above all not to click the wrong link or buy something that is not what you really want. Then you see the box that says, “Chat.” Instantly your mood brightens. Clicking the link, a box opens that says, “Chat function is not available now. Please contact us during normal business hours.” Feeling your interest wane, you shut down the site and move on. If chat had been there for you, answering your questions and clarifying the process, you might have consummated the sale. When live chat is present and working, instead of a deal-breaker, it can be a deal maker.

How to Stay Available

Live chat is the human, personal touch available to those who are surfing the very impersonal world of the internet. As an entrepreneur, you want your business website to offer all the alternatives your online clients and potential customers want. Your site is intended to give those who see it the full range of products or services your firm has to offer. The more options, links and pages your site contains, however, the more difficult it becomes for your customers to navigate confidently. The cure for this dilemma is live chat support for business. The chat provider can answer the customer’s questions while also connecting with that individual in a manner web pages simply cannot. While this may only seem to be a possibility within normal business hours, the reality is that chat help can be made available around the clock.

Why Live Chat Is So Important

Beyond anecdotal reports of the pleasure you feel when engaging with people rather than clicking your way through forms on a website, research indicates there are several significant reasons entrepreneurs should include a live chat function on their business pages:

  • Your customers substantially prefer chat over email, voicemail and even social media. A recent study found that 92% of online customers listed live chat as their preferred form of personal contact.
  • You don’t have to have your employee standing by around the clock waiting to chat. Good virtual receptionist services are available that have the ability to interact live 24 hours a day.
  • Your clients get to multitask and so does your chat server. A capable, trained chat server can carry on multiple threads and still be able to research your customer’s questions at the same time.

How to Give Better Chat

Just as websites and payment portals vary in their functionality and ease of use, so chat functions vary widely as well. It is possible to improve your chat function and, in doing so, increase customer satisfaction and conversion. The steps in improving your chat performance are actually pretty simple. You want your responder to answer the request for a chat quickly. At least one study has shown that, while actually getting the requested information to the client takes less than 45 seconds, customers' average wait time between responses is more than two minutes. Your chat server should strive to be as personal as possible; make sure to ask if everything was handled as desired; let the client be the one to end the chat. Ask the customer for feedback and be certain a transcript of the chat is available either as a download or an email.

Which Works for Best: Phone or Chat

Naturally, there are other forms of personal support you as an entrepreneur can offer your customer. First among them is live telephone support, which has a lot to recommend it. The advantage of the phone call, first of all, is the added closeness of hearing another live human voice. Your customer knows he or she has the complete attention of another person. That, oddly enough, is part of the downside as well. A professional chat server can effectively, personally handle several chat threads at once, which incidentally saves a lot in salary. Since everything is done in writing, maintain and analyzing data is a built-in part of the process. Finally, chat is a “cold medium,” meaning your workers have less chance of making an emotional response to an upset customer.