LMS Will Take Learning To The Next Level By Uday Bhatte, CEO, Hexis Hiring

LMS Will Take Learning To The Next Level

Uday Bhatte, CEO, Hexis Hiring

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Automation is making inroads into every market segment and transforming it. How do you see its influence on the evolution of LMS? To what extent do you think has automation penetrated LMS?

I foresee Automation digitally transforming current Learning Management System (LMS) platform. We won’t realize we have transformed until it’s well embedded and has become our second nature.

One primal drawback with current day LMS is the amount of time spent in managing the system. The issues which crop up from time to time which very time consuming are:

“Integration of LMS with Human Resource Management System (HRMS) is very crucial aspect for success of any organisation. It requires collaboration between various teams and software management platforms to achieve desired results”

1. Assignment of training modules to employees

2. Monitoring progress of various training modules and generate progress reports.

3. Changes in course as per role or level change of trainees.

Apart from the above there are many more daily task which need an army of LMS administrator to manage and drive training modules to achieve skill development and enhancement of workforce.

                                        Uday Bhatte, CEO, Hexis Hiring

I think we should automate daily task first and then move on to Artificial Intelligence (AI) to automate training needs identification.

The major changes that are being made or already made are on following daily aspects:

1. Reporting                                    

2. Course Administration

3. Level & Role based Personal Development Program

We should move on to a more agile learning system which combines digital and social learning. In future the LMS systems will be more out come focused. They will develop and manage customised training plan as per need of the individual.

How important is it to synchronize the employee database with the LMS, and integrate business applications like HRIS and CRM with LMS? What are its major benefits?

Integration of LMS with Human Resource Management System (HRMS) is very crucial aspect for success of any organisation. It requires collaboration between various teams and software management platforms to achieve desired results. Synchronising online training initiatives with business operations need planning and mammoth effort to achieve success. The major benefits of LMS integration with existing HR systems are as follows:

1. Real time database:

Integration of LMS with HRMS will increase efficiency in allocation of right level of training modules to right set of trainees. This will result in teams of HR and L&D having common set of employee information and aligned to training goals.

2. Comprehensive employee training overview

The new integrated platform will help you analyse complete employee data like current position, training modules completed, training modules in process and future modules to be allocated. This will help you generate reports and ease to migrate to any new platform. It will also reduce risk of inaccurate user data and employee being assigned wrong set of training programs. This will also help you have insight of your employee skill levels and need analysis.

3. Self improvement of training modules

Integration of system will also help you realize effectiveness LMS training modules and can help you learn and optimise the system. We can use the analysis to improve employee performance by assigning them relevant training modules thereby reducing attrition and increasing productivity.

4 Efficiently manage resources

LMS integration with HR systems helps you efficiently allocate training modules like new employee can be automatically allocated induction program on first day of joining. Similarly when an employee get promoted he can be immediately allocated the training module unique to new designation. This will help us identify which resources are ready for next level and are at what skill level.

5. Identify retention pool

Online training assessment via LMS will help you identify your retention pool. You can have a single window for seeing employee performance, training progress, what skill set they have and are they ready for promotion vertical or any lateral movement. This also helps you allocate new modules to keep them engaged and reduce attrition.

6. ROI

All of the above will help you realise quickly ROI on online training program. You can identify what works for your organisation for the specific function and that specific level of role. Identify its effectiveness keep relevant material and discard out dated programs.

Learners today want to finish their course at their own time and as per their convenience. How can automation help in ensuring that the learner completes the course in stipulated time?

Automation and digital transformation has made access to LMS on move. It can be accessed via mobile phones and tablets instead of traditional desktops or laptops. Automation can do a daily check on progress of an send an update to dedicated teams. This will also send a reminder to trainee on progress and deadline to complete the course.

How can enrolment in learning plans be made easier through automation?

Automation can assign and remove learning models specific to roles based on trainee profile Integration of LMS with HRMS will capture Job Title, Hire Date, Department, Management Level, or any data can be used to create an individualized Training Plan for each learner. Updates to a Learner's profile, would immediately effect their assigned Learning Roles and associated Learning Content.

Any changes in the employee record by HR will automatically trigger the training updates as laid out by the training plan specified to roles and level without any manual intervention. This saves time, money and reduces errors.

User groups can be organized around selected criteria such as job function, role, or location. How can the categorization of these user groups be automated for learners with different learning objectives?

Organisation can define User groups for specific role and specific management level. These user groups can be then connected to training groups. These training groups can then be assigned to new hires or newly promoted employee.

For example, let’s say that someone has joined an organisation and his data is entered into the integrated LMS & HRMS. As he moves in the organisation, LMS can automatically assign him training modules based on his advances in the company, Learning Content can be automatically assigned to him based on his profile data like Job Title, Hire Date, Department, Management Level.

Where do you see the LMS market in the near future? What are the next disruptive technologies that are going to redefine LMS?

Disruption in LMS is evident and will take learning to next level. The most innovative solution I have heard is real time interactive chat box that can mimic a mentoring session. The race is now on for the AI enabled chat box. Quite a few LMS platforms have launched first generation chat box, but the one that can replace a one to one contact session is still few years away.