NITI Aayog Forms Panel To Study Hyperloop Technology Feasibility In India

CIOReviewIndia Team | Tuesday, 24 November 2020, 14:15 IST

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For exploring the technological and commercial viability of the Virgin Hyperloop technology, for ultrahigh-speed travel in India, Government think-tank, NITI Aayog has formed a high-level panel weeks after its first test was completed with the humans on board.

The Virgin Hyperloop test run was conducted on a 500-meter track in Las Vegas in the USA with a pod, as the hyperloop vehicles are known. The travelling passengers included an India, inside an enclosed tube at 100mph/161 kmph.

In a document by NITI Aayog, accessed by the PTI, states, “In view of the emerging transport technology and for gaining the first-mover advantage, it is essential to look into the technological and commercial viability of the Virgin Hyperloop technology. It is relevant to explore technological, commercial, financial (viability) and (assess) safety standards and regulations to procure new technology. It has been decided to constitute an Expert Committee.”

With V.K. Saraswat as the Chairman and Adviser (Infrastructure Connectivity, NITI Aayog), the committee includes Sudhendu Jyoti Sinha as its convener.

The other members include Railway Board Chairman & CEO V.K. Yadav, the secretaries of the ministries of Housing and Urban Affairs, Road Transport and Highways, and the Maharashtra government’s Transport Secretary, the Defence Research and Development Organisation’s Chairman, the Delhi Metro’s Managing Director, the IIT-Delhi Director and the Chairman (Technology Information) of the forecasting and assessment council.

Stating about the mandate of the committee, the document releases, “To study Virgin hyperloop technology and its commercial viability, (and) safety, regulation and finalise the document within six months’ time of its first meeting.”

The document claims that the committee may also invite domain experts and representatives from various organizations to the meeting as it may deem fit.

Hyperloop of Virgin Hyperloop is one of the handful of companies which are currently trying to build a similar passenger travel system proposed by inventor and businessman Elon Musk.

Gradually accelerating via electric propulsion, Hyperloop vehicle passes through a low-pressure tube.

The hyperloop pod floats along the track by magnetic levitation and glides at airline speeds for long distances for ultra-low aerodynamic drag.

Maharashtra has claimed hyperloop as a public infrastructure exercise and approved the Virgin Hyperloop-DP World Consortium as the original project proponent for the Mumbai-Pune Hyperloop Project.

In the previous month, Virgin Hyperloop announced a partnership with Bengaluru International Airports for conducting a feasibility study for a proposed hyperloop corridor from the airport.

And now, NITI Aayog stepping in claims that the report of the committee could act as a roadmap for paving the way forward for hyperloop in the country.