NRDC and NAL to Incubate Aerospace Engineering Start-Ups

CIOReviewIndia Team | Wednesday, 19 August 2020, 09:03 IST

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NRDC and NAL to Incubate Aerospace Engineering Start-UpsFor bringing innovation in the industry, start-ups are regarded the torchbearer. Along with the plan to simplify and handhold the innovative measures, an important aspect of the start-ups is the industry-academia partnership and incubation. Enthralling into these aspects, the National Research Development Corporation (NRDC) and Council of Scientific and Industrial Research-National Aerospace Laboratories (CSIR-NAL) collaborated for establishing an Innovation cum Incubation Centre with external private funding and promote start-ups in the emerging area of Aerospace technologies.

The program aims to incubate start-ups in the field of Aerospace Engineering, mentoring and supporting them for product and product and prototype development and validation. The Chief Managing Director of NRDC, Dr. H Purushotham said, “It is a historical day as NRDC and CSIR-NAL forged an innovative partnership to promote Start-ups in the niche high tech area of Aerospace engineering and this partnership may pave a way for establishing Innovation cum Incubation Centres in other CSIR laboratories which are working in different thematic areas.” He added, “This partnership will help in creating employment opportunities for the young generation of the country which is the prime requirement of the hour.”

Dr. H. Purushotham and Dr. Jitendra J. Jadhav, Director, CSIR-NAL signed the agreement, which was exchanged by the representatives of NRDC and CSIR-NAL. Dr. Shekhar C. Mande, Secretary Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) and the Director-General CSIR, and Shri R. Vaidheeswaran, the Joint Secretary of DSIR were present during the signing. Other senior officials of CSIR and NAL also witnessed the signing at the CSIR Head Quarters, New Delhi.