Ola to implement ABB's robotics, automation solutions at EV developing facility in Tamil Nadu

CIOReviewIndia Team | Thursday, 11 February 2021, 12:55 IST

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OlaOla, as one of the largest mobility platform of India, said on Thursday that it had selected ABB as one of its key partners for robotics and automation solutions for its e- vehicle manufacturing and developing facility in Tamil Nadu. The ride-hailing dominant is expected to begin the much-anticipated electric scooter. 

The company stated that Ola would utilise ABB's automation solutions in its factory's key manufacturing process lines, including painting and welding lines, while ABB robots would be organized extensively for the battery and motor assembly lines. These would be included ABB's paint and Integrated Dressing robots in its painting and welding lines, and robots for assembly and material handling in the battery and motor assembly areas, it added.

ABB robots will be digitally assimilated into Ola's AI-enabled factory to optimise robot performance, productivity and product quality.

The usage of ABB's robots and automation solutions will ensure remote digital connectivity and monitoring of the robots that will be carried on Ola's dominion AI engine and tech stack, it said.

"ABB's solutions will be riding on Ola's own proprietary AI engine and tech stack embedded in our scooter mega-factory. We are bringing in global expertise and stitching up partnerships that will help us build out our factory in record speed and roll out the first of our electric scooters in the coming months," Ola Chairman and Group CEO Bhavish Aggarwal said.

Sanjeev Sharma, Managing Director at ABB India and South Asia, said that the sustainable robotics automation solutions of company will complement the vision to manufacture the factory to further the EV journey of India.

"Increased automation and robotics to make shop-floors safer, more productive and of impeccable quality will fast-track India's transition to one of the leading agile, self-reliant and high-tech manufacturing economies of the world," he added.

In the past December, Ola had announced the sealing of an agreement with the Tamil Nadu government to invest Rs 2,400 crore for establishment of its first electric scooter factory in the state. With an initial annual capacity of 2 million units, the factory will generate 10,000 jobs and serve as a global developing hub for both India and international market places across Europe, UK, Latin America, Australia and New Zealand.