RevoluPAY EP S.L., a subsidiary firm of RevoluGROUP Canada Inc., declared an essential White-Name contract with OZANK GmbH. The white-Name contract (endorsed on April 11, 2024) centers around using RevoluSEND administrations through consistent
API integration to empower OZANK to extend its transaction network to incorporate nations like India, North America and Mexico, China, Philippines, Indonesia, and Singapore. Malaysia. UAE and Turkey. The alliance signifies a huge step towards improving worldwide
payment solutions for these business sectors, where German yearly settlements are assessed to be over USD 2.8 billion.
Under the white-mark concurrence with OZANK, RevoluPAY is set to provide a thorough scope of administrations through its RevoluSEND stage. This organization empowers OZANK to give its customer base, including retail clients, people, independent companies, and specialists. By incorporating RevoluPAY's APIs, OZANK will essentially upgrade its capacity to deal with global cash settlements and broaden its B2B and B2C commercial center contributions while holding the OZANK brand character, controlled by the innovative and infrastructural ability of RevoluPAY's extensive network.
Alfredo Manresa, Director of RevoluGROUP and General Manager of RevoluPAY, said, “I am thrilled about the collaboration with OZANK and our innovative Payment-as-a-Service solutions. This partnership underscores our commitment to delivering cutting-edge financial technology that empowers businesses and individuals worldwide.”
Gavin McMillan, CEO and Director of RevoluGROUP, stated, “Our cloud-based payment-as-a-service model delivers the global settlement fabric, reach, speed, and payment cost efficiency necessary to support
financial technology companies, Neobanks, enterprise and global organisations without relying on traditional banking institutions. By empowering individuals and organisations with these capabilities, we're facilitating greater financial inclusion and driving positive economic impact on a global scale.”