Qualcomm India Private Restricted, some portion of the Qualcomm gathering of organizations aggregately known as "Qualcomm", and Place for Improvement of Cutting edge Processing (C-DAC), an independent logical society of the Service of Hardware and
Data Innovation (MeitY), mean to team up in the advancement of India's semiconductor plan biological system. In order to promote Design in India and Make in India, Qualcomm will provide C-DAC with expertise and best practices regarding
cutting-edge technology, intellectual property, tools, and skill development. In order to encourage the creation of indigenous SoCs for high-volume products like surveillance IP cameras and Wi-Fi routers, the two parties are working together.
C-DAC under the mentorship of MeitY envisions enabling the Digital India futureLABS. The objective is to fortify the domestic R&D ecosystem within identified technology verticals (Automotive, Compute, Communications, Strategic Electronics and Industrial Electronic/ IoT) by creating a collaborative Research & Innovation ecosystem and catalyzing effective collaboration between Indian industry, multinationals, startups and academia, as per indiatechnologynews.
Moreover, Qualcomm and C-DAC expect to restore their joint effort to help Indian semiconductor plan new businesses and empower development in the semiconductor space through the Qualcomm Semiconductor Mentorship Program.
Savi Soin, President of Qualcomm India said, “India’s semiconductor ecosystem is working to create a new supply chain for both domestic and international markets, and Qualcomm is committed to supporting its growth. There is, and will continue to be, a large and growing demand for semiconductors as industries increasingly adopt intelligent,
connected technologies and devices. We are excited about the opportunity this presents for Indian semiconductor startups to create domestic solutions, using the
design and engineering talent in the country. Qualcomm will help them with the technology and the expertise needed to enable their success.”