Quality Management - A Master Key to Success By CIOReview Team

Quality Management - "A Master Key to Success"

CIOReview Team | Tuesday, 27 November 2018, 04:48 IST

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Quality Management -

Business organizations are becoming more competitive day by day. The global marketplace, rapid changes in technology and change in customer values have lead the companies to increase the level of quality.

Many organizations around the globe also have implemented Quality management system software, using the tools, softwares and policies to improve the quality of their product and services.

As you are already aware, critical success factors guarantee the successful implementation of QMS. Based on the writings and findings of QM scholars like Crosby, Deming, Feigenbaum the following factors can be considered as critical for implementation of QMS in your organization.

Partnership with Supplier

Any organization in this world draws inputs from the environment and transforms those into output to make profit, majority of these inputs are coming from suppliers. This addresses an entire range of activities which include how the organizations maintain close relationships with the suppliers and how they contribute to the product quality and performance.

Customer Management

This factor addresses how an organization manages its internal and external customers.

Communication of Improvement

This factor responds to all the internal, external and cross communication between the employees, communication between management and suppliers as well.

Customer satisfaction

The key characteristic in quality management is focusing on both the internal and external customers. The consumer satisfaction is the integral part of production. Quality must be aimed at the needs of the consumers, their present and the future. So this is one of the most deciding factors in quality management implementation.

External Interface management

Quality is defined in terms of customer satisfaction or customer delight. Due to customers ever changing requirements and demands. To predict the customers demands organizations maintain close contact with their customers using surveys. Since this factor helps organizations to design and organize new products and features, this is a very critical process for successfully implementing Quality management systems.


Strategic quality management links businesses with the quality. SQM can be understood as a systematic approach to maintain quality within the organization. Strategic quality plans are the foundation stone to any organization's quality improvement methods.

Operational quality planning

This part addresses short term planning for QM implementation. At SQM level organizations integrate quality planning within the complete organization’s planning process. Once the quality goal is implemented and assigned to every member in the organization, middle management then creates short term plans in order to achieve organizational objectives.

Quality Improvement Measurement

Quality improvement measurement addresses the measurement of quality improvements and it also needs various data including statistical process control (SPC) charts, performance related data and productivity indicators. The quality measurement places an important role in quality implementation and it helps identify the defects and in any process within the organization.

Corporate Quality Structure

A common set of values, beliefs and accepted behaviours are shared by individuals within an organization is called culture. Due to brain drain and globalization this factor is considered as one of the most crucial factors as most of the companies are running operations from different parts of the world.

Employee Empowerment

Empowerment enables everyone to use the quality improvement models in an organization as a part of learning methodology in every aspect of business activity to keep improving every principle that the organization follows. Based on the empirical evidence from prior researches, one can consider empowerment as a principal ingredient for QM implementation.

Quality citizenship

Ethical behavior is an essential part for everyone in an organization. A clear code of ethics provides a direction for everyone to align his or her personal values that lead to organization's goals to build a stronger workplace. Also, code of ethics provides benefits to both the employees and management. As a result of corporate scandals and unethical behavior in workplace, corporate social responsibility can be considered as a critical success factor for QM implementation.