R. Chandrashekhar, Former Dot Secy Appointed As Digital Empowerment Council Chairman By TEMA

CIOReviewIndia Team | Friday, 11 December 2020, 08:56 IST

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TEMA, the domestic telecom gear manufacturing unit on Friday appointed R. Chandrashekhar, the former secretary of the Department of Telecommunications and Department of Electronics and IT as the chairman of TEMA Council on Digital Empowerment.

R. Chandrashekhar has also held the position of the NASSCOM president.

R. Chandrashekhar is presently contributing as the Centre for The Digital Future.

R. Chandrashekhar, Chairman, TEMA Council on Digital Empowerment, said, "It’s my privilege to serve as the chairman of the Digital Empowerment Council of TEMA, where so many illustrious members drawn from all these communities. I hope the Council will be an effective medium for industry and civil society to share their perspectives, and suggestions on how to ensure the digital future of India in inclusiveness and empowerment for all.”

“TEMA is committed to playing a key role in fulfilling the vision of the Honorable Prime Minister of India. We are overwhelmed with surety with a highly experienced, motivated, and energetic personality like Shri Chandrashekhar who will lead TEMA, bringing enormous value addition, and would aim for helping stakeholders to make India a Digitally empowered nation in the near future,” stated Ravi Sharma, Chairman, TEMA.

Digital addition is the main focus now for increasing India’s economic growth, and Shri Chandrashekhar’s academic rigor and his expertise, and experience will play a critical role in the development of cyber-safe digital payments,” said NK Goyal, Chairman, Emeritus, TEMA.

The telecom enterprise emphasized that it will work in the director of making internet connectivity available to every Indian citizen, by “any available technology”. It added that this will help them in adoption of new technologies instead of being bogged by “Tests and Trials”. It stated that digital payments require existing technology enablement as there is an immediate requirement for creation of a digital ecosystem.

The quote states, “There is also an urgent need for a body to address the cyber risks associated with the same.”

TEAM also finds higher investment by the Government in Digital Infrastructure, in consideration that the private sector has been struggling for funding, and financing projects.