RAIN RFID and Beacons Taking RFID Technology To Next Level By CIOReviewIndia Team

RAIN RFID and Beacons Taking RFID Technology To Next Level

CIOReviewIndia Team | Thursday, 21 November 2019, 13:12 IST

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RAIN RFID and Beacons Taking RFID Technology To Next LevelAccording to a report by Energias Market Research, the global RFID market is projected to reach USD 27.56 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 6.8 percent.  "RFID helps companies identify, monitor, and manage all the things in their business that they are not managing effectively today, which is just about everything that is mobile and not connected to the Internet. So if you are a small company that has containers, tools, vehicles, inventory, files, and so on, then RFID can help improve the way you do business,” says Mark Roberti of RFID Journal. RFID is slowly emerging as a technology that enables businesses to engage, identify, locate, transact and authenticate people, things and vehicles.  In this context let us have a look at some the important trends in the RFID technology that are believed to take the adoption of technology to the next level.  

RAIN RFID – Transforming Retail Businesses  

RAIN RFID is a type of battery-free wireless technology system that connects billions of everyday items to the Internet. Experts believe that that over 28 billion devices will use RAIN RFID by 2020. RAID RFID technology is so easy to use and tags can be embedded into items at the time of manufacturing. Then, by using a monitoring system we can collect data from the tags for tracking the assets. RAIN RFID is proving to be a better tool for retailers to improve store inventory accuracy by simplifying the tedious and labour-intensive processes. This technology has caused a shift from conventional handheld readers to fixed readers. Fixed readers which provide a continuous data feed with no extra labour cost are installed at key locations such as overhead, doorways, or passageways in the stores.    

Bluetooth Low Energy Beacons For Easy Tracking

Generally Bluetooth which is a common thing in mobile phones and tablets is now being used to track assets through Bluetooth Low Energy Beacons. Beacons or Bluetooth tags are not very much different from active RFID tags and have inbuilt batteries. These solutions can be deployed very quickly by coding the tags and then connecting them to required asset. This technology is prescribed for items that are aren’t confined to a specific area which move from one place to another.