Scientists Inspired by Star Wars Develop Artificial Skin Capable of Recreating Sense of Touch

CIOReviewIndia Team | Monday, 03 August 2020, 13:31 IST

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Scientists Inspired by Star Wars Develop Artificial Skin Capable of Recreating Sense of TouchResearchers of Singapore create ‘Electronic Skin’. This skin creates feeling sensation or feeling of touch. Through this new invention, people with prosthetic limbs will be able to detect object, feel the texture, temperature or pain.
This device, known as ACES – Asynchronous Coded Electronic Skin contains almost 100 small sensors and it is of size 1 sq cm (0.16).
Stating the device can process information faster than human nervous system, the researchers of the National University of Singapore said that it will be able to recognize 20-30 different textures by giving people the ability to read Braille letters and it will be 90+ percent accurate.
The research team leader Benjamin Tee said, “People slide for feeling texture. However, this device will allow feeling within a single touch. They will be able to differentiate between textures of a variety of roughness.” The artificial intelligence algorithm allows the device to learn quickly.
While demonstrating the device, it detected a squishy stress ball which was soft and determined a hard plastic ball.
Tee explained, “People become numb and lose touch receptivity --- Prosthetic users deal with same problems. Therefore, the artificial skin version recreation, for their prosthetic devices, people will now hold a hand and can sense warmth and feel the softness or the tightness of holding the hand.”
Tee elucidated that he was inspired by watching ‘Star Wars’ trilogy where Luke Skywalker lost his right hand, it got replaced by a robotic one, giving Skywalker the ability to experience touch sensations all again.
Though the technology is at experimental stage, yet it has created ‘tremendous interest’ among medical specialists and medical communities.
Tee’s team has developed similar patents that consists transparent skin for repairing skin from any torn and a material that emits light for wearable electronic devices.