cioreviewindia Team | Friday, 22 January 2021, 10:40 IST
We’ve seen people making thousands of mistakes while trying to develop their content on Insta and let us say: there are some common and biggest ones that are easy to avoid and save yourself lots of time, money and effort. This article goes to people who have recently registered on Instagram and now don’t quite know what to do with their content. They’re aspiring to become popular, find their audience and maybe even start making money off their content, but where do they start, what do they do and a million other questions go through their head daily. We’re here to help: in this text you’ll find why you should buy Instagram followers and what are the not so obvious obstacles on the way towards popularity and why you shouldn’t waste all your money on paid services from the very start of your online development.
Right now you need to sit down and ask yourself several very important questions which will help you with planning everything ahead. Are you sure you need to make your account worldwide popular and a resource of your primary income? Seems to be easy, you might say — it takes literally just some talent, several viral photos and a pretty face to become known on Instagram. Or a decent product or service that will be interesting to some or many. That’s how most people think, but actually this is quite far from the truth. What it really takes is loads and loads of time, effort, planning, a whole team working behind one account and a bunch of investments into somebody’s future success. Is it worth it or you’re going to feel sad you’ve wasted so much time on it later?
Anyhow, we’re going to give you 3 tips on what not to do while trying to develop any content on Instagram (and on other social media platforms as well, actually):
How to buy followers for your Instagram profile if you have just started off on this platform?
There is a thing called social proof and that is the most precious thing that each blogger has. You gain it while posting high quality stuff, while talking to your audience and staying in touch with them and while being you online, being a unique person that is interesting to watch and follow. If you’re buying thousands of fake followers, manipulating your viewers into thinking that you’re already huge online, you can lose this social proof and won’t be able to ever gain some again because your reputation will be ruined.
Earlier in time people weren’t so attentive to what a certain blogger is doing, but right now people see false development very quickly and easily and all of it can seriously affect your online life. If you are choosing to use paid services, do it thoughtfully and think twice: you should check the company’s reputation that’s going to provide you with those followers twice as well. Don’t fall for buying fake followers that aren’t people (bots)!
To conclude: if you’re new, buy followers, likes and other promo options in adequate amounts, suitable to your current situation in the profile. That’s the true key to success — it’s not in spending all the money you have in budget, it’s about thinking and making reasonable moves. Try buying several hundreds, that looks and seems to be okay to most of the people, especially if you have just posted something interesting and trendy. You can do the same trick with likes to support your new publication, but if you haven’t been posting for a while and here you have thousands of likes coming to your account — boy oh boy that’s too obvious to be a complete lie.
Choose the pack of followers wisely, make sure you’ve thought of everything ahead and have a plan in your head, including content plan and your needs in terms of paid promotion and professional help. You can also look for additional helpful info on — there’s info on each page, plus in the blog and in the FAQ section.