Simplifying Building Management With Future - Focussed Technologies By Shrikant Bapat, General Manager, Building Technologies & Solutions, Johnson Controls India

Simplifying Building Management With Future - Focussed Technologies

Shrikant Bapat, General Manager, Building Technologies & Solutions, Johnson Controls India

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At Johnson Controls, efficient and productive building environments are delivered through complete integrated energy savings, operational savings and sustainable solutions. With sustainability, diversity, and ethics as the core foundation of Johnson Controls, the quality of world-class supply base is unparalleled along with being one of the premier suppliers of HVAC controls, refrigeration and HVAC equipment.

The concurrent es­tablishment of com­mercial infrastruc­ture along with sustainable and scal­able equipment and manufacturing is the increasing norm of the current times. These are being put into ef­forts with the manufacturing push wherein every commercial entity needs HVAC for the office and sev­eral factories opening the gate for better pospect of HVAC industry in the future.

In line with the demand and re­quirements of various industries, ACREX India 2018-a three-day event by the Indian Society of Heat­ing, Refrigerating, and Air condi­tioning engineers witnessed near about 400 strong exhibitors from across the world. Johnson Controls showcased all its new products and solutions. We displayed cutting-edge technologies and products in­cluding Metasys 9.0, YORK YGWH YVWH, and YORK YZ.

"The dependence on HVAC and refrigeration is widespread across several verticals"

The Hall of Fame Solutions

The YORK YZ chiller is nothing less than a revolutionary advancement that challenges everything about conventional chiller design. The YZ Magnetic Bearing Centrifugal chiller utilizes reliable, robust, and low-maintenance induction motors. The YZ, along with VSD standards, vari­able geometry diffuser, and mag­netic bearing technology, delivers highly energy efficient chilling tech­nology. The YZ has been fully opti­mized which has a Global Warming Potential (GWP) of 1 that has the lowest heat trapping capability. Yet, one other award winning premier solution of us was displayed. It was Physical Security Information Man­agement (PSIM) solution that pro­vides all the benefits of a complete PSIM platform. Named as Proximex Surveillint, it’s basically designed as a solution beneficial for both one-site environment as well as global enterprises, and deployable across hundreds of locations. This can work in any commercial establish­ment and act with security aspects of smart buildings-a prerequisite for several multinational companies. It is basically a complete command and control kind of solution which finds its utility in smart cities. The stra­tegic focus saw all types of air dis­tribution methods, chillers, smaller HVAC, and Johnson Controls Hi­tachi for inverter technology-based room air conditioners, cabin cool­ing, and cooling individual spaces. Along with these larger chillers for cooling huge buildings and pillars, factories are witnessing the District Cooling Refrigeration. The term District is coined to showcase the size of the installations that can ap­pear to be a mini city.


Laying the Concrete of Smart Cities

Aiming for smart cities, several solu­tions are emerging used in some 270 cities across the globe. The same concept is being initiated in India as well. Several disjoint industries like pharma, petrochemicals and other such industries are in dire need of climate control tools and initiatives. The dependence on HVAC and re­frigeration is widespread across sev­eral verticals. For instance, all the manufacturing in the pharma sector takes place in a highly controlled temperature and in highly controlled methods. It thus functions on the basic infrastructure that installs HVAC equipment as the concrete of every detail.

In due course of time, HVAC in India will be rising. With the in­creased efforts of GoI, smart cities are rising at an exponential rate and thereby justifying the manufacturing sector of these instruments, equip­ment and controls in India, middle-east and African countries.

While several industries are bound to tinker with the control and safety instruments, India will be in, to become a vital food process­ing industry wherein temperature control and safety protocols can de­cide the fate of several stakeholders. Absolutely controlled environments are considered mandatory to ensure the fineness and quality of food to be delivered to pass the stringent steps of quality checks. These initia­tives and outlooks are noteworthy in the coming times and we are ahead of the curve when it comes to the Indian requirements.