Start Your Journey To Cloud Solutions By Sandeep Jamdagni, Head IT, Ashiana Housing Ltd

Start Your Journey To Cloud Solutions

Sandeep Jamdagni, Head IT, Ashiana Housing Ltd

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Start Your Journey To Cloud Solutions

In today's world, one of the most appraised tech jargon is Cloud computing, whether it's an IT/ITES company or a real-estate developer company. Everyone is talking about cloud computing and its endless benefits. And, indeed it provides them also. Still if you talk to C-suit executives who always go for a wider view of the picture, they have concern over what will be achieved after moving to cloud computing.

Cloud computing introduces a significant shift in how technology is obtained, used, and managed. It also shifts organizations for budget and pay for technology services.

Cloud computing benefits organizations by creating the ability to trade capital expense for variable expenses, gain advantage from massive economies of scale, make agile capacity decisions, increases business speed and agilities. Also, one can stop spending money in running and maintaining data centers and go global in minutes.

With all agreements, moving to cloud computing is a good step, but it's always better to understand the concept and its fundamentals before moving.

"Cloud Adoption and Transformation accommodate Hardened architectures and quick start assets to accelerate adoption" 

Enterprises’ cloud adaptation and successful transformation requires strategic roadmap that balances current and future technology needs. This ensures agreement on issues such as key measurement of success and the appropriate talent, capabilities and management system that should be employed.

Your Cloud adoption requirements are paramount and unique. Your journey will be influenced by your cloud readiness as well as your progress and investments in technology to-date.

These seven perspectives can be debated while making strategy for the cloud adoption which goes for all types of organizations.

Business perspective: how business will be affected by the cloud adaptation. An improvement in customer satisfaction will be achieved; also ease in employees work.

Platform Perspective: An open source platform to be considered or same platform for application migration.

Process perspective: how much process optimization and reengineering will be required when applications and data will be moved on clouds.

Security perspective: What security concerns will be there and how to mitigate them. What in case if any security breach happens. Also considerations should be on statutory compliance as per Govt. law of the land.

Operating Perspective: whether a single console view will be there, improving people efficiency or individually monitoring of resources resulting in increase of  manpower.

Maturity perspective: Organization’s level of maturity to handle dynamic environment where most of services will be provided by the outside vendor. Great deal of coordination will be required among teams.

People perspective: whether team is ready for the move or requires trainings on technology and operations. What changes are required in planning, creating, managing and supporting modern IT operations; Guidelines for establishing, developing and running cloud environments; Structures for business and IT teams to work together

CIOs should take time for research and brainstorm  with team and peers before moving towards cloud services. Move should not be considered only for the sake of doing something innovative and also not under pressure of cost cutting.

Cloud Adoption and Transformation accommodate Hardened architectures and quick start assets to accelerate adoption. At the initiation of cloud adoption, most organizations review their existing applications and infrastructure against cloud suitability. And focus on migrating applications which are least critical and easy to migrate first. In this approach, old legacy monolithic applications are identified as “Critical to migrate” for the cloud and all such applications require reengineering in the database/client-server model. In some cases there is requirement of overall technology reengineering and platform migration for legacy applications.

Your choice of deployment and tenancy affects your further journey in cloud environment. How your applications will be deployed and accessed over cloud;

what data transactions are going to happen; what data security concerns will be raised and mitigated.

Which model of cloud infrastructure should be adopted:

Private cloud: Secure and easy to adapt, but not cost effective.

Public cloud: Cost effective solution, but performance and resource optimization are always important concerns. Yes, Agility of services and resources can be motivating factors.

Hybrid Cloud: Mostly adopted for first time movers and also in mature organizations, where data security and accountability is a concern.

Last not the least, your choice of vendors and partners is the key to success in adaptation to the cloud environment. How much vendors/partners understand your business process and business operation?

• Partner that knows Cloud platform and services

• Partner that aligned culturally with your organization

• Service lock-in period and exit clauses must be considered.

Above all, Change in self and management's  perspective of Cloud adoption is required, it’s not just for cost cutting.

• Cloud adoption is for bringing agility in IT infrastructure.

• Increasing Availability and Integrity of business application in organization.

• Cloud adoption is for having competitive edge on organizations readiness for the innovation and to lead the market

All the best for the journey and have an amazing experience of agility, availability and speed of operation on clouds!