Strategy for a technology partner to Deliver project successfully it has all project pit falls by partners and how to mitigate those By Manish Sinha, Head IT, Vectus Industries Ltd

Strategy for a technology partner to Deliver project successfully it has all project pit falls by partners and how to mitigate those

Manish Sinha, Head IT, Vectus Industries Ltd

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manish sinhaPartner Pitfalls as a Business:

Projecting Business: Never project the wrong picture of fast implementation to clients. Clients always want to get things completed well before time but your wrong estimation could spoil your brand image and at the same time, overestimation could also dent your brand. The best approach is to keep average and keep your client posted at all stages along with proper justification, that communication gives a confidence to a client. Even if the project gets delayed, they wait but in absence of communication, they start validating your versions with the third party.

Web presence- A client definitely looks back upon your published link of work done and also about reviews of your company. That gives an indication about your organization’s cultural and social health as in when you are in service business then what is your raw material- i.e.Humans and it matters if you take care of them well.

Mobile Presence- How soon you revert your calls; if you are not able to take it or you just keep them aside, if calls are missed means missed and you can put excuses to safeguard yourself. This does not work at all, people look for you for discussion and solutions, if you are unavailable then probably they can change their opinion about you first and it is possible that they start looking for other options.

Reference Checks- Who is taking your reference, that matters a lot, as reference checks if done with core team members who did implementation along with you - matters most. So be careful when you are doing the project implementation, identify your spoke persons so that tomorrow they could help you if you deliver the right way.

Going Extra Mile- Always try to go an extra mile to serve the customer. It pays off for sure even if not in that project but in other upcoming projects. As by doing this you give an overall good experience to your customer and that only builds your fortune with customers.

Power Center Drama/ PeoplePolitics - Do not get caught in a power center drama project site; always communicate what is good for business as that is the job for which you are being selected.

Poor Resource: Do not place poor resources who have less experience and vision to execute the project, that way you will not be able to market that project in future to win future orders and references.

Team Care: Treat your team members well so that they could turn as your eyes and ears rather than of someone else and you would end up bearing losses for the projects. Most of the time in the project, partners do not take care of their own ground resources and resources always get a poor guest house, unhealthy food, and unhygienic washrooms. It matters most as when they send their resources to remote places then there could be at risk of poor medical facilities. It is important how serious is the partner for this collaboration and treating the employee as a valuable resource for the company.

“Do not get caught in power center drama at the project site; always communicate what is good for business as that is the job for which you are being selected”

Collaborating with Project Stakeholders:

Accessibilities: Do not leave everything on the team,yes bandwidth do not allow an entrepreneur to answer every call but for every customer you have to define this strategy such as if this is a new category addition or vertical addition in your success story or new geographical location experience- that makes a difference in the market- how many references could be answered from customers so that you can take strategic calls to support customers. As projects in the organization are not IT projects but are Business Projects and in a business every department is critical, you cannot make only one department module live and claim that business is Live. So, all of these items should be there under your consideration to win the battle.

OEM relationship- If you have access to OEM escalation ladder, only then your customers trust you, as in case of problem resolution if you give an answer that I locked a ticket and can’t do anything- OEM has to do and in between, you do not pick call or update by yourself then it goes against you. Here your collaboration with OEM plays a critical role.

Collaboration with Marketing Teams of Customers and OEM- This helps you in publishing your successful story. When you start a project do take every stakeholder in confidence that all together would be creating a successful story and be serious and get involved personally monitor the progress of the project and never hold resources, even if you have to spend extra in the project. All money you can recover by good work; no one could recover money by harming their customers.