Sun Life ASC launches Utopia-an integrated program for employee experience and welfare By CIOReviewIndia Team

Sun Life ASC launches Utopia-an integrated program for employee experience and welfare

CIOReviewIndia Team | Friday, 27 September 2019, 10:56 IST

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CIOReviewIndia TeamSun Life Asia Service Center (ASC) Gurgaon, providing Business Processing, IT, and Investment Research shared services to Sun Life Financial’s  global businesses, one of the world’s leading Insurance companies, announced the launch of Utopia – a unique employee centric multi-year program focusing on key aspect of employee growth and development – wellness, people engagement, mental health, learning career and recognition.

A three-year program, Utopia is the first of its kind intense employee development program to be executed at Sun Life ASC. Rajeev Bhardwaj, VP-HR, Sun Life Financial Asia Services Centre (ASC) said, “The Utopia program demonstrates the seriousness in Sun Life ASC’s approach towards employee growth and development. While most firms focus on talent hiring and retention, very few actually put in efforts in sustained employee care and development. The Utopia program has unique initiatives like mental health awareness, digital training and women leadership. The Utopia program is also a testimonial to Sun Life ASC playing a key role not just in talent acquisition but also talent development, in order to support and grow Sun Life Financials’ global businesses.”

Under the Utopia Program, the company has also identified mental health and awareness as a key element and launched many initiatives to promote good mental health of its employees. The company has partnered with Doctor Insta to provide and support 24*7 counselling to its employees. Till date 840 employees have registered with Doctor Insta. Employees can have a doctor or a counsellor on call. The entire information is confidential and does not reflect on the employee’s career graph.

Utopia also brings to its employees a new and evolved People Connect framework to align with the changing ways of working and ensuring that employees’ suggestions and concerns are heard. There are approximately 11 people Connect forum to hear grievances and provide advice. Employee engagement predictive analytics like chatbots help analyse employee sentiment and plan talent flow to improve employee wellbeing and build improved employee engagement programs.

Keeping in mind, the increasing strength of women in tech workforce, Sun Life has also developed a special Women Leadership program for its high performing women employees. As part of Utopia, the company has already identified xxx number of women to be part of the Leadership program and regular workshops and sessions have specially been designed to nurture future women leaders at Sun Life ASC.

The program also focuses on improving talent and career practices to better enable employees and assist them seamlessly find exciting job opportunities according to their skill set and aspirations. This also enables employees to get timely recognized for great work and build an ecosystem to create a culture of recognition. From building new HR models to embedding a digital friendly culture, Sun Life ASC is investing in up-skilling existing employees with key digital skills and nurturing poly-skilled employees (person with multiple set of skills) who are valuable resources. Digital tech has also enabled to train new employees using more than 50 Bite-sized e-learning modules. The organisation has introduced e-learning methods for employees such as online classrooms, information videos, courses on intranet etc. as part of advanced on-the-go learning solutions so employees can develop at their own pace and be future ready. 52 such certifications have already been granted under the Education Assistance Policy.