The Adventurous Side of Bitcoin

cioreviewindia Team | Monday, 18 January 2021, 13:16 IST

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The Adventurous Side of BitcoinWhen people think of Bitcoin, the first thing that comes to mind is its immense money-making potential. Truthfully, we can’t say that we blame them. Bitcoin offers us a ton of opportunities to profit off of it, but too often we get so caught up in the dream to become overnight millionaires that we overlook some of the other amazing things Bitcoin has to offer. Although most people don’t make this association often, one of the best things that can come out of joining the Bitcoin revolution is the sense of adventure that comes with it. Bitcoin can be quite exciting in many ways, but if you’re looking to experience the adventurous side of Bitcoin, here are a few ways to do it!

Bitcoin Travel

Nothing says adventure like packing your bags and going on a journey to a foreign land. Travel is the most common way people look for adventure. The activity itself brings with it a kind of excitement that nothing else compares to. Getting the chance to explore exotic locations, learn about different cultures, and meet all kinds of new people can be a life-changing experience. You never truly know what could happen next, even when you’ve planned your itinerary to the last detail! If you’re a free spirit that isn’t afraid to try something new, this is the perfect activity for you.

You might be wondering how Bitcoin ties into all of this, and the answer to that is pretty simple. You now have the option to book first-class travel with your Bitcoin savings! Thankfully, the process of planning your whole trip with Bitcoin is insanely easy. By visiting websites like Expedia and CheapAir, you can book airplane tickets to nearly every country in the world and even find a variety of accommodations that suit your needs. Pick out a location you want to check out, get your things ready, and set off on an adventure like no other!

Bitcoin Trading

Here’s an activity you probably didn’t expect to see on this list. Bitcoin trading might seem like a lot of hard and tedious work from the outside, but it can be quite an adventure if you know how not to take yourself too seriously. These days, Bitcoin trading is fairly easy. Thanks to Bitcoin trading platforms like, anyone can dive into the exciting world of Bitcoin trading. As a start, these platforms are packed with useful information to get you going, and they offer a range of tools to make the whole process a lot more interesting!

One of the best features you can find on these apps is the automated trading feature. It might seem a bit out there, but these apps use advanced AI that scours the market for the best opportunities and serves them up on a platter! Of course, you’re free to experiment with Bitcoin trading as much as you like. There a ton of guides, strategies, and tips on Bitcoin trading on the internet. You can try out the ones that seem like a good fit for you and compare results. Bitcoin trading is undoubtedly a fun venture, especially if you’re not afraid to switch things up once in a while!

Bitcoin Gaming

We’re sure you’ve noticed how popular video games have become in the last two decades. Pretty much everyone is hooked on playing video games in one form or another and it’s easy to see why! The pixelated classics from back in the day might be beloved by all, but they can’t compare to the incredible quality we can see in video games today! These days, video games are a storytelling medium that’s much more complex than button mashing. They sport immersive graphics, incredible storylines, and challenging gameplay that anyone can get into.

It’s safe to say that video games offer us virtual adventures that are simply irreplaceable, and thanks to Bitcoin, you can now enjoy even more of them! Thanks to Bitcoin’s recent acceptance into the mainstream, it’s easy to buy the best games out there by dipping into your Bitcoin stash. Other than the classic way of getting them through the Microsoft Xbox Store or Playstation Network directly, you can find a plethora of titles in shops like Keys4Coins. These Bitcoin-friendly stores offer both licenses and gift cards that can be used on practically any gaming platform in existence!

To make things even more interesting, Bitcoin has a different stream of games that double as a method to earn some of the cryptocurrency! There are quite a few websites out there that host Bitcoin games you can play for free. If you put in the work and progress through the levels, you’ll be rewarded! Don’t get too excited though, the amounts of Bitcoin you receive aren’t very grand.