Rajan Sarma | Friday, 16 October 2020, 11:15 IST
In recent history, Apple and Samsung, two of the world's leading smartphone makers, have probably had the most brutal and bloodiest war for dominance. The battle raging on for well over a decade now has cost both the companies more than a billion dollars and multiple lawsuits spanning four continents.
It all started back in the summer of 2009 when Samsung – at that time iPhone's chip supplier, started producing similar-looking smartphones (the Galaxy Series) backed by the Android system. Apple's Founder Steve Jobs initially drafted a proposal to license some of its patents to Samsung for $30 per smartphone and $40 per tablet, with a 20 percent discount for cross-licensing. To which Samsung's reply was a reversal of the offer since Apple was using their patents, Samsung argued.
Livid by Samsung's response, Apple filed multiple lawsuits back in 2011, spanning dozens of countries against Samsung for patent infringement demanding $2.5 billion for the infringement charges. This was the beginning of a longstanding war between the tech giants that ensued ever since and still continuing.
The fight over the copyright of iPhones dragged on for seven grueling years. In June 2018, Apple and Samsung finally put an end to their long-running patent battle, with the initial demand of over $2 billion whittling down to $ 539 million. While all these years, Samsung slowly and steadily built up its brand value and marketing leads.
The rivalry had reached its peak when Samsung, back in 2014, released an advertisement campaign online where a teenager was seen boarding a cab with her Samsung phone in one of her hands bidding goodbye to all her friends portrayed as Zombies with iPhones in their hands.
The legal battle might be over; however, the war of dominance in the high-end smartphone market segment has intensified between the two rivals in the past three years.
iPhone 12 Series Vs. Samsung Galaxy S20
The recent rivalry to win over the smartphone market between Samsung and Apple resulted in both the companies coming up with their own premium high-end smartphones this year. The Galaxy s20 from Samsung's end, and the long-awaited iPhone 12 Series by Apple. On paper, ` both the Galaxy S20 Plus and iPhone 12 Pro are a powerhouse of a phone.
Both the models offer similar top-notch specifications with the Galaxy s20 with its 6.7-inch display slightly larger than the iPhone 12.
When it comes to connectivity, both the smartphones support the next-generation 5G networks. However, this is where the Samsung Galaxy s20 has the edge over the iPhone 12, as the Galaxy 20 Plus supports both sub-6Ghz and mm-Wave 5G networks worldwide with the Snapdragon 865 chip. In contrast, the iPhone 12 Pro supports the mm-Wave 5G networks just in the US, but not in the rest of the world as of now.
According to a new research report published by Counterpoint Research, Samsung took over the global smartphone market's top spot for June- August 2020. In the worldwide market, Samsung captured 22 percent shares for the year 2020. With Apple delaying its iPhone 12 Pro launch for almost a year than expected, experts believe Apple is most likely to catch up to Samsung and make up the temporary ground lost.