The Way Forward for Agile Transformation By CIOReviewIndia Team

The Way Forward for Agile Transformation

CIOReviewIndia Team | Friday, 17 July 2020, 02:48 IST

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Traditional project management and software development methodologies have been focusing on laying out an elaborate plan and working towards achieving the set goal. But there is a long leap of faith attached to them and there is no contingency route to follow in case the situation demands the goal to be changed. Hence, in a bid to become agile, enterprises are moving away from the traditional software development models as they are now being considered too slow or inadequate to drive the needed digital transformation. Agile way of development can help businesses take the collaboration between cross-functional teams to the next level. Customer experiences are being given more prominence by laying emphasis on innovation, enhancing end-user experience, and improving performance. In today’s digital era, it is not just the quality of the product that matters but experience is also one of the deciding factors.  

“It is a not an easy job for the CIO to see the responsible leaders inadvertently get in the way when you're preparing to undergo an IT department transformation. It will take all of your skill to move the organization forward. Remember no organization's transformation is like any other. Each is as unique as your company. Agile is intended to be tweaked, to perfectly fit your needs and it's intended to evolve as your organization grows and changes. As long as you remain grounded in the agile mindset, you'll be just fine,” says Anup Kumar Mittal, Agile Coach, Digital IT leader, Decathlon India Pvt Ltd.  

Enterprises today are focusing on turning around their customer experience completely. IT leaders are looking for ways to implement new technologies and gain new capabilities to provide a better experience to their customers. The realization that effectively managing and improving customer experience is integral to the success of their business is gradually dawning on them. Hence, businesses are showing more alacrity than ever to make drastic improvements in their training processes in order to improve the skills essential for new methodologies like DevOps. We can expect to see an aggressive pursuit of this in 2020.       

Being the second-fastest digitizing economy amongst 17 leading economies of the world, India is accelerating its stride towards Agile adoption. We are seeing Agile expanding its reach from the Technology department to other departments within the organization, bet it Engineering, HR or Marketing, to name a few. This expansion is going to continue and we might see the principles of Agile software development being applied to new avenues like Customer Service.