Three Emerging Cyber Security Trends To Look At In 2020 By CIOReviewIndia Team

Three Emerging Cyber Security Trends To Look At In 2020

CIOReviewIndia Team | Wednesday, 05 February 2020, 13:15 IST

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Three Emerging Cyber Security Trends To Look At In 2020In this age of digital transformation, when enterprises are increasingly embracing the digital technologies, the cyber security landscape is undergoing a rapid transformation with the advent of every new technology, compelling businesses to dedicate a considerable amount of time and towards cyber security. According to a report by Allied Market Research, the global cyber security market is expected to become USD 258.99 billion by 2025, maintaining a CAGR of 11.9% till the forecast year. “Even though companies are investing large amounts in cyber security compliance, there still is no such thing as perfect cyber security. Specifically, even the most sophisticated companies that have made the greatest investments in cyber security compliance are still at risk of cyber attacks,” says Rick Fischer, Senior partner at Morrison Foerster. Enterprises need to constantly enhance their security capabilities in order to safeguard their business process against cyber attacks. In this context, let us have a quick look some of the key cyber security trends that are grabbing the attention of the industry today.              

Cyber Space- A New Battle Ground for Proxy Wars

These days cyber space has become a new battle ground for the cold war between western and eastern bloc countries. This has paved ways for state-sponsored attacks, where nations unofficially support cyber attacks against the revelries causing the breach of highly sensitive information. The ongoing tensions between the rising powers which are being followed by economic sanctions could result in more number of such attacks in future.              

Increasing Role of AI

AI is being used to propagate fake news in the election campaigns. Today, it has become a norm for political outfits to create dedicated teams by allocating funds with the sole aim of winning against the opponent by undermining in the digital platforms. However, the same artificial intelligence can be used to detect the fake news campaigns. AI-based tools that can help suspect stories on the digital platforms are already under the development phase.

5G – A Paradise for Attackers

While 5G is expected to give a never imagined experience to users, there are concerns over the security vulnerabilities that it is going to impart. One of the main concerns with 5G in terms of security is that it dramatically increases attacks surface while businesses overhaul their software and networks.