Three Trends Reshaping Education Technology Landscape By CIOReviewIndia Team

Three Trends Reshaping Education Technology Landscape

CIOReviewIndia Team | Monday, 28 October 2019, 03:52 IST

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CIOReviewIndia TeamAs technology is bringing a rapid change on how we used to work and live, it has considerably altered every aspect of our lives. Even, the businesses are adopting new age technologies so as to stay relevant in this tech-driven world and become future-ready.  However, Education in terms of technology adoption is still lagging if we look at current Indian scenario. Whether it is the lack of funding which is holding it back or just those educational institutions are turning blind eye towards leveraging it - The technology is yet to grab a proper hold in this sector.  That being said, it is known fact that today’s students are the teachers of tomorrow. Hence, it is very crucial to make students explore the technological boundaries for a promising tomorrow. Although, there are quite few success stories of technology-driven educational approach, there is still a huge void to be filled in such a country with over 1.3 billion people. Three of the Education Technology Trends to lookout for:

Going Beyond Screen        

As learning is becoming more pervasive and immersive, the students will not be limited just to screens. The rise of wearable technology and IoT will bring in cheaper and more widespread use of mixed reality, allowing interactions with their surroundings in completely new ways and even simulate different environments that they would never otherwise reach without stepping out of the classroom. VR sets and digital twins of real-world objects can grant them an immersive, hands-on experience without the difficulties and dangers of interacting with the physical counterparts of the places and things.

Not Just Limiting Learning till Classroom

Implementation of mobile-devices has taken learning outside the classroom with mLearning and eLearning - Designing mobile-first responsive content helps students to go through their courses anytime and anywhere, hence, enabling students to learn at their own pace.

Data Management & Analytics

Not only teachers but even the parents can now have a complete analytics of a student’s performance such as the number of tests attempted, chapters completed etc. Even the homework and assignments can be assigned to the entire class at once and evaluate the results online. It is also important for any online learning model, as it helps in the measurement of a child’s engagement and academic performance.