Three Ways To Build A Gmail Security Conscious Culture At Your Workplace By Niraj Ranjan Rout, Co-founder & CEO, Hiver

Three Ways To Build A Gmail Security Conscious Culture At Your Workplace

Niraj Ranjan Rout, Co-founder & CEO, Hiver

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Three Ways To Build A Gmail Security Conscious Culture At Your WorkplaceGmail holds a huge volume of your infor­mation, a lot more than you’d think. Fi­nancial statements, passwords, trade se­crets - everything is on Gmail in some way or the other.

At the same time, hacking and secu­rity breaches are common - again, a lot more common than you’d like. Even giants like Deloitte are not safe from these threats. Not very long ago, email accounts of almost 350 clients, including some of the biggest mul­tinationals, four US government departments, and the United Nations were all compromised.

Don’t end up in a situation like Deloitte’s. Pay atten­tion to security before something goes down.

Build a security-conscious culture

Expecting teams to be accountable without awareness won’t do much for your Gmail security. You have to first educate members to make the right decisions: whom to give email access permissions, which links to click and which ones to not, using the right device, so on and so forth.

That's why you need to build a culture of cybersecu­rity awareness so members understand how to correctly protect their Gmail.

Here are four effective ways to build a security-con­scious culture at your workplace:

Essentially, it standardizes Gmail security practices across the length and breadth of the organization.

2. Make two-factor authentication mandatory

Google claims it to be its most sophisticated security fea­ture, yet the number of users that have enabled 2-factor authentication (2FA) are miniscule.

A two-factor authentication adds an extra layer to your Gmail security. Traditionally, you only need a pass­word to access someone’s mail. With 2FA, you need a password and a code which will be sent to your phone. Basically, if the baddies have your password, they still can’t access your emails.

This additional security keeps your Gmail immune to phishing scams. Cybercriminals may get hold of credentials of any of the team members and use it to send emails to everyone on the contact list. These emails con­tain links, clicking on which will spread malware from your Gmail to Google Drive. You can now bid adieu to all the files stored on the company drive!

3. Have regular security workshops

Educating about Gmail security is of no use if it’s not put into application. It requires more than a pep talk to motivate teams to follow up on Gmail security best practices.

Security workshops can include new updates on lat­est Gmail security features, policies, and general code of conduct. But, let’s be honest. ‘Security workshops’ doesn’t sound like much fun and members fail to reg­ister much of anything at these workshops. Half-baked knowledge or the lack of it can potentially put your Gmail security at risk.

Pushing members to take a keen interest in strength­ening Gmail security requires an element of fun. The chances of getting genuine participation from members are higher when there are more smiles than eye rolls.



Here are a few ways to ensure genuine participation from teams:

• Gamification- Use game elements like rewards and competitions to engage users and solve real world prob­lems, while motivating teams to be vigilant in identify­ing and communicating threats. Every ‘right’ action will fetch members points, taking them a level closer to the coveted reward.

• Virtual simulations - Offer interactive ways to learn about Gmail security. They offer greater engagement levels as opposed to a boring power point presentation.

In the battle of strengthening Gmail security, hackers are getting the best of you. They have the luxury to try as many times and in as many ways, and they need to be successful only once. On the other hand, you have to identify and stop every attempt.

Finding the right balance is what makes the battle for Gmail security a tough one to crack. To keep a strong front against a high volume of coordinated cyber attacks, regularly update your Gmail security knowledge, poli­cies, and tactics. At the same time, ensure none of these disrupt team collaboration at the workplace. It’s a tight­rope to walk, but achievable and most necessary.