Top Cloud Computing Growth Drivers By Vishal Vasu, Director & CTO, Dev Information Technology Ltd

Top Cloud Computing Growth Drivers

Vishal Vasu, Director & CTO, Dev Information Technology Ltd

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Vishal Vasu, Director & CTO, Dev Information Technology LtdCloud computing is seen as the new IT paradigm and the biggest development of the decade in computing. Modern business relies greatly on information technology to do business and this technology is changing rapidly - in turn requiring the enterprises to change with it - which we know as Digital Transformation. The demand for information has resulted in growth of many new technologies in managing information systems; one of them is the phenomenon called Cloud. Here are some technologies which are surely driving this shift and growth.

Hybrid Cloud

As organizations attempt to strike a balance between having all IT services on premises and offloading storage and compute to the cloud, a logical middle ground has emerged: the hybrid cloud. Most of the enterprises are benefiting from the hybrid adoption as it helps to save cost with its pay-as-you-use model. Using a hybrid cloud allows companies to scale computing resources and helps in eliminating the need to invest a massive capital for handling short-term spikes in demand, also in cases when the business needs to free up local resources for more sensitive data or applications.

“5G is the functional equivalent to businesses getting electricity for the first time. The combination of 5G cellular and cloud technologies will provide substantial richness in capacity, flexibility and functionality to mobile network operator’s IoT service offerings”

Death of Traditional Data Centre

The “death of the data centre” has been hyped a bit and seems like it refers to traditional corporate data centres. Since the IT industry is radically changing, agile business enterprises are entering to newer virtual markets to deliver services closer to the customer, position specific workloads based on business regulatory and geopolitical impacts.

So, it’s not wrong when we say that the traditional and corporate data centres are fading away and evolving to a more elastic, scalable and automated one. As they are streamlined and made stronger through hybrid and custom platforms, data centres are in fact and not dying but instead evolving to be more efficient and support new solutions.

Edge Computing

Edge computing vs cloud computing. What’s the difference?

Well, edge computing refers to data processing power at the edges of data sources, e.g. devices like industrial machines, self-driving cars, smart homes, and other smart devices which incorporate many sensors. On the other hand, cloud computing, requires that all things be connected to the central data storage, where huge volumes of information are processed to find optimised solutions or make business decisions.

So, will edge computing affect the use of cloud computing? No. There is no fight between edge and cloud but in fact, a mix of both is what the industry will demand. By aggregating the data across all connected devices and using cloud computing to analyse and send it back to the device improves their capabilities - thus making them smarter. So, while edge devices may carry the burden of real-time functional analysis, the cloud will shoulder the load of strategic, high-level insight creation to improve the operation of these devices.

Internet of Things (IoT) and 5G Networks

Though it will be a while before 5G comes to a tower near us, but it promises low-cost, low-latency high-speed internet for all. 5G is the functional equivalent to businesses getting electricity for the first time. The combination of 5G cellular and cloud technologies will provide substantial richness in capacity, flexibility and functionality to mobile network operator’s IoT service offerings.

AI, ML, and Automation

Today, the artificial intelligence (AI) hype wouldn’t exist without cloud computing. AI consists of multiple technologies and at its foundation is machine learning with its more complex offspring, deep-learning neural networks. Training algorithms and operating the corresponding analytics systems afterwards need loads of computing power. Providing the necessary computing power in an accurate amount and on time via a traditional or corporate data centre is impossible. Hence, for enterprises it doesn’t make any sense to build in-house AI systems since it is nearly impossible to operate them in a performant and scalable way. Only globally scalable and well-connected cloud platforms can achieve this.


Blockchain technology has seen a growing number of applications beyond cryptocurrency in recent years. The cloud services have been optimized for cloud based Blockchain networks and applications by providing an auditable environment with the comprehensive log data necessary for forensics and compliance. Public clouds allow to allocate as many instances of compute as required from a public cloud provider. This elastic approach to scaling up and scaling down of compute to support a secure translation is ideal for Blockchain based applications.

Backup and Disaster Recovery

Not only the increasing usage of data is driving the adoption of backup and disaster recovery among organisations but also the threat of ransomware and malware which looms at large. The thought that loss of data or hijacking of the data can result in companies losing their reputation in the market is pushing reliable backup solution needs. Moreover, any downtime in today’s 24x7 business world is making businesses think and act towards better disaster recovery solutions. They have started to realise that data backup can’t be considered as a “set and forget” solution. A cloud disaster recovery plan with pay-per-consume feature makes it more popular among enterprises.