Travel Bug Hits People, Digital Skills To Boost Recovery: Google

CIOReviewIndia Team | Monday, 21 September 2020, 12:49 IST

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googletravelComing out from months of lockdown and isolation, due to sudden outburst of coronavirus, people, around millions in number, are now looking to travel. According to the top search engine, Google, 45 percent of the top 100 questions are related to travel, search focused on the impact of COVID-19 and the craving to travel, safely soon as possible.

The Boston Consulting Group (BCG), conducted the research in collaboration with Google, states that 31 percent of people wish to prepare planning for leisure travel once they feel safe enough.

Pierric Duthoit, Senior Lead, Google Global Tourism Acceleration Centre, said, “World Tourism day is coming up on September 27, and Search trends show that people have the travel bug. In August, the top queries were related to where and when people can travel 'right now.'"

The places travellers want to visit now include beach and rural areas/small towns. The places of Italy and Netherlands are on top of the list.

Duthoit said, “Our data and analyses, available on our 'Think with Google' site, can help tourism businesses identify new trends in consumer preferences."

With the rise in search of local and outdoor tourism, where businesses can adapt to the changing demands through marketing campaigns, upholding enthralling destinations, with capability of making eleventh-hour bookings.

Google said, “We're partnering with government ministries, businesses and experts throughout Europe, the Middle East and Africa to foster digital skills in the travel sector. While this World Tourism Day marks a uniquely challenging period for tourism, it's also an opportunity to prepare and find new ways to engage with would-be travellers.”