Trump or Biden: Thankfully, Indian-US Healthcare Relation will Win

Emmanuel Christi Das, Editor | Friday, 06 November 2020, 10:47 IST

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India US Healthcare WinWell, to be clear, US India relations have never really been in warlike turmoil. Thanks to PM Modi’s extensive foreign ventures, India has developed quite a few healthy relationships with countries and republicans.

Due to this enduring and institutionalised nature of the bilateral dynamics between the US and India, the US presidential elections’ outcome has very little probability to impact the continued momentum on health cooperation between the two countries.

On the contrary, the results are most likely to further strengthen it. Irrespective of who occupies the White House, public health evidently is a serious concern for both the nations. Therefore, both countries will continue to cooperate with each other on all health matters, including the partnership on vaccine research and development for COVID-19 currently underway. 

You may ask, what’s the logic? First things first, the relationship between India and the US is intrinsically synergistic. It is coupled strongly with the compelling need for democratic and improved healthcare, seamless & greater access, affordability and the early availability of advancements in modern diagnostics, medicine and treatment for both populations.

India's contribution as a deep-rooted, stable and significant supplier of wide-ranging high quality generic medicines to the US has enabled it to lower its runaway healthcare overheads.

India’s support has been tested from time to time, redeeming itself once again during the present COVID-19 crisis by maintaining a steady and uninterrupted supply of scarce medicines to the US, helping it to contain the pandemic. Generic medicines are now a part of the growing segment of the US healthcare mainstay.

Similarly, India needs access to the latest advancements in medical technologies, devices, new medicines and R&D capabilities to nourish its medical science capabilities. The US has achieved significant success in these areas and can consider expanding into India by bringing in these capabilities. Now India’s gigantic population lures American companies to invest here for groundbreaking adoption and purchases.

Given the recent disappointments as a result of overdependence in China, both the US and India are eager to eliminate their manufacturing risks by diversifying their supply chains. Great number of units of the medical equipment and medical devices are presently being manufactured by US companies in China. Meanwhile, India's pharmaceutical industry depends on China for raw material, intermediates and API.

Realignments and likely adjustments that are emerging as compelling imperatives, have positioned India as an excellent choice for relocation of manufacturing capability and expansion. Besides, the technical maturity, skilled manpower, affordable labour and captive market of India would benefit the US manufacturers as they establish India as a substantial base not only to serve India's huge market but also for exports.

With India pushing to manufacture APIs indigenously, US health sector can experience the augmentation in terms of reliable and stable supplies. One more important handshake with the US, from India’s perspective, will be on the grounds of health R&D for diseases such as cancer, AIDS, and other emerging ailments.

And without failing to mention, the Indo-US Science and Technology Forum is yet another example of the strength of relations between the two nations. To wrap up the note, it’s conclusive to admit that the enduring nature of the mutuality of health interests apart from the camaraderie of opinions on broader, more significant health issues will become a stronghold that whatever the outcome of the elections be, co-operation and collaboration on health matters will be undisturbed and growing.