Unocoin Launches Merchant PoS App for Bitcoin Acceptance By CIOReview Team

Unocoin Launches Merchant PoS App for Bitcoin Acceptance

CIOReview Team | Wednesday, 01 June 2016, 07:02 IST

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As Bitcoin has started to take a stand in India, Unocoin being Indias leading Bitcoin company, has been up to something that is going to make it much easier for physical and online stores in India to accept bitcoin. Before getting into that, it is important to note that India is on the verge of a tipping point on the digital movement.

One of the Co-Founders of Unocoin, Abhinand Kaseti, said, "Over the past year, our web traffic has increased by more than 500%! We added more than 6,000 users just last month alone, and our volume is skyrocketing. Thank you all for supporting us along the way."

While the companys vision is to bring bitcoin to billions, it is now aiming to make it easier for physical stores and merchants in India to accept bitcoin. This is presently an unmarked territory in India.

With the new mobile app that is both available on Play store for Android and Appstore for iOS, its all about to change. Unocoin announces an epic launch of the mobile merchant application - called the Unocoin Merchant PoS. PoS stands for Point of Sale. Early beta users are already calling it the worlds simplest Bitcoin PoS app and it is going to make payments easier and smarter.