Why Businesses Need to Opt for Network-as-a-Service to Scale Up and Grow

CIOReviewIndia Team | Wednesday, 14 October 2020, 12:52 IST

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networkasaserviceFor some companies, it becomes difficult to build a networking infrastructure. For such companies, there is a third party which delivers the network infrastructure.

Known as Network-as-a-Infrastructure (NaaS), it includes Wide Area Networking Connectivity, Datacenter Connectivity, Bandwidth on Demand, and related services. With network and computing resources, NaaS allows total resources optimization provided to a company.

The internet connection provided by NaaS is entirely secure and grants accessing in custom routing protocols. The hardware and maintenance cost is saved as the NaaS is provided in a virtual environment.

NaaS delivered virtualized networks help in managing the network infrastructure easily. By adopting NaaS, customers get to focus more on their business development processes. NaaS features remote access through which customers can extract and input data working from anywhere anytime.

NaaS allows staff commitment as it saves time, helping in the growth of the business. Uninterrupted service to the customers has made NaaS famous with additional benefits like SD-WAN technologies, guaranteeing uncomplicated multi networking links which can be used by customers, augmenting the internet connectivity. SD-WAN technology boosts in solving the applications of traffic engineering issues like VoIP applications. NaaS model deployment and management is simple for any user.

With severe investment in domain controller (DC) hardware, present DC hardware requires the integration of NaaS vehemently. The high cost of large scale DC deployments is reduced by the use of commodity networking equipment. Explicating the natural programming model, Network as a Service is considered not to expose the high-level model which is the total complexity of physical network topology in the DC.

Highly efficient NaaS supports the multitude of different applications, which run concurrently and are unaware of each other. It is known as scalability and multi-tenancy isolation.

Network as a Service architecture is built with network devices that can execute tenant code. NaaS box executes the tenant code, which can be integrated into the same switch hardware. It can also be executed to a different device, which is connected with the help of high-bandwidth links. Network processing elements are hosted in these NaaS boxes for exhibiting qualities like application processing (for particular applications).

According to experts’ opinion, Network-as-a-Service gives a company enough flexibility for using their network dynamically. Using NaaS, they can adjust to any emerging application or service requisites. Any business can become agile and open a branch at any location using Network-as-a-Service, as the NaaS provider grants WAN [wide area network] fast. The network outages are also limited. 

NaaS has evolved with the potent technologies like cloud in automation.

Bandwidth on-demand model of NaaS allows in assigning the bandwidth rate capacity which totally depends on the bandwidth of NaaS depends on the connected nodes’ traffic demands.

NaaS adds with the private network and the related resources which can include networks like public internet. VPN model of NaaS allows a host computer in transmission and receiving of data, which are shared. NaaS private networks are integrated with the functions and policies of the private network.

Another model, mobile network virtualization helps in scaling NaaS. It is user-friendly.

Coming out of the traditional methods of installing network infrastructure, today, organizations have started availing NaaS due to the benefits present with it and the efficiency of the service.