Why should Green Technology be a Manifesto?

Samrat Pradhan (Correspondent) | Wednesday, 04 November 2020, 12:29 IST

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Why should Green Technology be a Manifesto?

As the world is leveling itself with the advancements across various technologies, the increasing rate of environmental degradation has been running parallel with it. Hence, it has the utmost crucial need to utilize the advancing technologies and networks to safeguard the environment and sustain it for future generations as well. Environmental Concerns is the most crucial parameter for human kinds and the world for that matter, as one may not take advantage of any advancing technologies if the world becomes hostile to live in. 


If we segregate it across segments, there has been a major impact across soil, air, water and food due to overpopulation, irrespective of the place being rural or urban. This has generated an utmost need to encourage the development of new innovative products, technologies by leveraging IoT, RPA, AI among others, and ideas that can help the environment rejuvenate. 


Speaking of which, Environmental Technology & Innovation which are abreast with Industry 4.0 has been concentrating on a challenge-oriented approach to solutions so as to bring together every missing dots to develop a robust sustainable approach and make an inroad towards a sustainable future.  

According to the United Nations. LiveScience, “Wasteful energy policies, overuse of resources, water supply shortages, global climate change, and deforestation are just some of the issues experts say need to be addressed for humans to achieve sustainable living on this planet. By the year 2025, an additional 2.9 billion people will strain tightening water supplies, and the world's energy needs will go up 60 percent by 2030.”  

Also, according to the United Nations, “Water supply shortages will affect billions of people by the middle of this century. Desalination, basically removing the salt and minerals out of seawater, is one way to provide potable water in parts of the world where supplies are limited. The problem with this technology is that it is expensive and uses a lot of energy. Scientists are working toward better processes where inexpensive fuels can heat and evaporate the water before running it through membranes with microscopic pores to increase efficiency.”

Harvest Sun’s Energy

Furthermore, hitting Earth in the form of photons, the sun's energy can be converted into electricity or heat. Hence, innovations such as solar collectors are already used successfully by energy companies and individual homeowners. However, the rate at which energy is being consumed, there must be a technology intervention so as to balance the energy generation and its utilization. Technologies such as OTEC must be heavily utilized to convert the thermal energy contained in the oceans and turn it into electricity.

Control Greenhouse Effect

Another grave concern is the prominent greenhouse gas contributing to global warming. This gas is majorly contributed due to the extensive release of Carbon Dioxide, and it said that according to the Energy Information Administration, by the year 2030, we will be emitting close to 8,000 million metric tons of CO2.  Hence, containing it has become very crucial for every living organism on the planet today. As we are the most intelligent race, it is we who have to come up with the solution. One of the suggested methods is to inject it into the ground before it gets a chance to reach the atmosphere. So, after the CO2 is separated from other emission gases, it can be buried in abandoned oil wells, saline reservoirs, and rocks, among others. Hence more robust automation and technological developments are needed to overcome this grave situation.