Rajan Sarma | Tuesday, 29 December 2020, 14:34 IST
Technology is an integral part of modern living. It is an undeniable fact that technological advancements have supported the immense growth of our current modern lifestyle. However, change is something which is an inevitable part of existence, and human beings have always had the tendency to discard old technological trends in place of faster, more agile solutions, that allows us to be lazy, which in turn frees us up to be more creative. The year 2020 witnessed the bombardment of emerging technologies such as AI, Robotics and Cloud solutions, to name a few, across many industry verticals. These emerging trends have made many technologies outdated, and their usage slowly withering away. Here is a list of a few technological trends that are becoming obsolete with each passing day:
Storage Devices (CDs, Floppy Disks and Pen-drives)
With introduction of Personal computers (PCs) and the advent of the internet, all of a sudden, people needed to store all the information that was being generated and shared. External storage devices such as CDs, Memorycards, Pen-drives and Hard-disks were something that masses relied on in the past. Not anymore in 2020. Nowadays, there are compact storage devices that could store unimaginable amount of data. Moreover, the rising popularity and adoption of Cloud storage solutions has been a complete game changer. A Cloud network not only gives infinite storage capacity but the data can be accessed at anytime, anywhere. To top it up, it is much easier to set up a cloud network than to take the burden of carrying around external storage devices.
iPod, Walkman and Mp3 Players
Many of us at some point in their life must have owned one such gadget where you could store music. For many of us Millennials growing up, owning an iPod or an Mp3 player was something that was in the top priority list. However, with smartphones offering far greater storage capacities coupled with the rise of online music streaming platforms, such devices are not required anymore. Now in 2020, we have reached a point where Walkman and Mp3 players are pretty much obsolete, and at most, these devices only gives us a feeling of nostalgia.
Wall-mounted Overhead Projectors
These are optical devices that project an image or a presentation onto a much larger surface. Couple of decades ago, Wall-mounted Overhead Projectors was considered a top-notch and sound invention. Now, with the coming up of innovative Immersive technologies such as AR& VR, and Holographic Projections to name a few, Wall-mounted Overhead Projectors have also become an invention of the past.
Visual Media has grown leaps and bound in the last decade. Today, we live in a world filled with online video streaming platforms where millions of video content is available online. To wait for hours just to download a huge video file is not a wise choice with so many options out there. Moreover, Torrents have been officially banned across many nations as it distributes copyrighted content free over the internet. Once popular Torrent sites such as Kickass Torrent and BitTorrent have very much turned into a thing of the past this 2020.
Windows Phones
In recent times, Android and iPhones have completely taken over the smartphone tech market. Windows platforms were launched embedded in smartphones by Microsoft in an attempt to succeed in the smartphone market. A decision that did not lead to a happy ending for Microsoft. And, this year Microsoft officially announced the end of their maintenance and support for windows powered phones.
Telephonic Operators
Telephonic Operators employed by call-centres to resolve customer issues are slowly becoming a thing of the past as well. Although, Customer Care is still essential over critical business communication and resolving technical customer grievances – Deep Machine Learning softwares has enabled the rising adoption of chat-bots that have the ability to resolve simple queries and take in customer complaints without any human intervention.