RAALINK Innovations: Increasing Sales and Enabling Customer Retention through Customizable CRM Platform

Captain OP Dua, Director

It is important for businesses to keep track of their Business Opportunities real-time and moni tor all activities for sales closure in order to increase their Sales and also retain the customers. One of the main strategies that businesses execute to achieve these objectives is by implementing a CRM. Readily available CRMs in the market need to be extensively customized to suit any business requirements and such customized CRMs are not flexible to be further customized to cater for future demands. The alternative is to develop a custom made CRM, which is very expensive and time taking. Open Source CRMs which can be customized at very minimal efforts to suit any businesses requirement is the Best and Cost-Effective Option available for any business that is planning to upgrade its business processes.

Catering to these needs, Kochi headquartered RAALINK Innovations Pvt Ltd have launched RAALINK CRM -Realtime Analysis and Automated Link to Business Communication, a fully customizable Open Source Software integrated with an Asteriskâ„¢ Communication Server, helping business manage their enterprise interactions effectively through phone calls, e-mails, web chats, meetings, visits or commercials deals of quotes, invoices and even tracking receivables. The system automatically generates the Sales Forecast, Cash in Flow besides managing the Service Request and all customer interactions.

"We are one of the pioneers to customize Open Source Customer Relationship Management Applications to help businesses "Go Digital" in their day-to-day operations and integrate the CRM with an Asteriskâ„¢ Open Source Communication Platform. Our expertise is in identifying the most optimal Open Source Application for any Business Vertical and customizing it to the specific requirements, followed by training users with
continuous online support," affirms Commander Reginald Daniel, Director, RAALINK Innovations.

Automated Analytical Reports and Automation of Routine Tasks
According to a recent research, organizations that use data and custom er analytics in effective ways show increased productivity and profitability in their businesses. The RAALINK CRM generates automated analytical reports at fixed intervals and creates sales funnel reports.

The workflow tool of the RAAL INK CRM automates the routine tasks such as sending e-mails, making calls, deputing an engineer to the customer site etc. and provides a complete record of all the activities. With its lead creation feature, new prospects are added as leads and are assigned to the users. Once the leads are assigned, the system schedules the activities for those leads. Finally, the leads are converted to opportunities or customers and activities are as- signed to these converted leads.

The transactions are monitored based on the MIS reports generated by the system and any other workflow that the customers want can be incorporated without any development costs. It provides controlled access for users to the customers' data. The RAALINK CRM captures the customer needs to provide organizational responses to the queries, measures the customer satisfaction to increase customer loyalty and also provides customer service to resolve complaints.

Commander Reginald Daniel, Director

The development center of RAALINK Innovations is located at Kochi and the company has its sales presence in all major cities. Currently, the company is working on updating and integrating its solutions with the latest business applications using the latest technologies and is also working on providing Big Data Analytics service to its clients.