With Digital India gaining pace, businesses make the switch and go paperless. Along with it surfaces the demands for document management systems and software to be user-friendly, intuitive, streamlined, and fully able to integrate with other software. On a parallel side, with the Big Data volume multiplying, an entirely new dimension for the document management sector is created, as DMS capabilities must be able to now handle massive amounts of data and files quickly and efficiently. Mitigating the scalability issue with modern day DMS solutions is Mumbai headquartered Euphoria Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (ETPL). Since its inception in 2010, the company has been observing key trends in document, microfilm, process digitization and has offered robust DMS solutions that has proven capabilities to scale up to more than a billion documents.
Serving Diverse DMS Add-ons
The DMS needs for each company varies depending upon the industry sector, volume of data generated and the geographical spread of the business operations. ETPL delivers customized solutions and interfaces for small and medium enterprises that have to keep their operations costs low. For large organizations, the company builds its expertise around implementing and tailoring platforms to make the adoption of digital methods and processes easier. The applications solutions team has been trained to adopt quality practices & processes aligned with International standards such as ISO 9001, CMMi, ISO 27001 etc. “We also have a ready technical comparison of the commercial and freeware DMS solutions. Any utility or solution that we develop goes through rigorous quality checks for functional robustness and regulatory compliance”, claims Arvind Prabhu, Executive Director, ETPL. Aligning to the needs of this sector, ETPL has deployed more than 1,200 people, across 30 locations in India, for document classification, scanning, OCR, IWR, vectorization, image processing and microfilming.
With the explosion of data, criticality of these data and business’ growing dependency on digital information, it has become increasingly challenging to manage the complex information storage environments.
ETPL has designed a generic multi-tier storage system that can classify documents on age, likelihood of retrieval and allocate them to primary, secondary or tertiary storages. Further, the meta-data records and business rules can be configured to meet the domain requirements of retention and disposal at the time of implementation. The query resolution ability of DMS has matured over multiple complex project requirements to a data warehouse model that can fetch the lowest node with relative ease.
ETPL has designed a generic multi-tier storage system that can classify documents on age, likelihood of retrieval and allocate them to primary, secondary or tertiary storages. 
In order to meet the requirements set out by CERSAI, RBI, SEBI, IRDA, PFRDA, the organization renders CKYC Compliance for financial institutions which combines tools and utilities with an exceptional mix of scanning and manpower services.
Being a customer-service and technology-driven IT company, Euphoria intends to setup a state of the art post-processing centre that could reduce the time on field to ‘correct’ and ‘index’ the scanned pages to meet the functional needs of organizations going digital. With a customer centric approach, ETPL’s value proposition is to build cross-industry domain expertise thereby ensuring customer delight and employee satisfaction.