IKON Business Process Solutions:Helping Businesses Increase their Efficiency with New-age DMS Solutions

IKON Business Process Solutions:Helping Businesses Increase their Efficiency with New-age DMS Solutions

CIO Vendor Adoption of document man-agement solutions for busi-ness continues to become more pervasive in a world that is growing to be increasingly information-oriented. With a slew of content streams giving way to an ocean of data, enterprises need to manage not only paper, but also multi-channel digital content today. Physical and digital records have thus evolved to become a critical source of information related to business transactions, and need to be retained in accordance with various statutory guidelines. Moreover, as businesses evolve, there is a need for document management tools that can integrate with existing project management suites to provide greater accessibil-ity to critical information for faster decision making.

Acknowledging these distinct in-dustry requirements and demands, Mumbai headquartered IKON Busi-ness Process Solutions Pvt Ltd steps forward to provide an all-inclusive Document Management suite, to enhance business processes for rganisations across multiple indus-tries. IKON Business Process Solu-tions (BPS) was created by a team of Records and Document Management professionals with extensive expertise in technology-driven process man-agement and solutions. Present in this space since 2007 and transformed in 2013 into an end-to-end consultancy, services and solutions provider, the company has been focused steadily on facilitating a "Build, Operate and Manage Records and DMS" culture in the emerging in-house physical re-cords and digital document manage-ment market. IKON accomplishes this with the help of its leadership team which works tirelessly to ensure that the best of Generally Accepted ecordkeeping Principles (GARP) are implemented and adhered to by all its clients.
"The key differentiator for IKON is the knowledge and ex-perience it draws from its core team, that has decades of experience in the ecords and Document Management industry," explains Muralidharan Shridharan Panicker, Co-Founder and Director. "Our solutions are also backed with tailor-made offerings to align with the unique requirements of every organization," he adds.

As a preferred Records and Document Management partner for organizations across a slew of indus-tries, IKON BPS provides both con-sultancy services for the creation of a centralized records centre as well as streamlining of document processes with solution driven automation. This is backed by the company's core team of subject matter experts who carry knowledge across the areas of Process Management, Fire & Safety,IT Security, Surveillance and Soft-ware. The IKON solution delivery portfolio is also designed to include unique propositions and provide customers with a number of deploy-ment options such as On-Premise,On Premise-SaaS, On Premise Hard-are-enabled SaaS (HESaaS) and Dedicated or Cloud-hosted SaaS. Moreover, the company also caters to all the allied service requirements of Document Processing such as Digiti-zation or Scanning, Data Extraction & Automation Services and Mail room Management in a BPO/KPO models. IKON BPS' most promi-nent solutions include IKONDoeS-a unique workflow offering to help organizations create, view, review,approve, publish and distribute docu-ments in a "Born Digital" environ-ment and promoting transformation to Paper Less Office. Additionally,IKONRecoM- a web-based Physi-cal Records Management solution to manage Hard copy Records and Documents, and IKONDocuM-DMS- to manage digital Documents.

Having carried our several suc-essful DMS implementations over the past 6 years, IKON BPS has carved a niche for itself in this do-main. Today, the company operates with 200+ operations teams and processes more than 5 million doc-uments monthly for clients across BFSI, Pharma, Healthcare, Media,Real Estate, Retail and BPO verti-cals. Moving forward, IKON BPS in-tends to further expand its footprint across these domains and acquire 100 new customers, every fiscal year, in the upcoming future.