OPC Asset Solutions: Offering Flexible and Innovative Asset Renting Solutions

CIO Vendor In an asset-intensive industry where huge capital is involved, there is always confusion between buying new equipment outright or leasing it. Need for investment of huge capital in Assets Procurement and in latest technology comes with a huge risk of rapidly changing technology and also the burden of capital outflow. This has given rise to the number of corporate sectors leasing their assets for low recurring payments, as opposed to the large capital expenditures of buying assets. It also gives companies flexibility to upgrade technology or change equipment based on needs of changing business environment.

OPC Asset Solutions, founded in 2005 is specialized in providing operating leases with reliable and innovative asset renting solutions for all moveable asset needs of corporate customers. Their end to end Asset Lifecycle Solutions are tailored to suit the client's unique requirements. OPC seamlessly combines its Asset Domain Expertise with Structured Financing Solutions to deliver innovative solutions to its clients. OPC has provided operating leases for various types of moveable equipments viz, - Information Technology hardware, Office Furniture/equipments, Point of Sale Terminals, Retail store assets, ATMs, Security Equipments, Plant & Machinery, Medical equipment, Tablets/Mobile Handsets, Construction & Mining Equipment to over 150+ leading Corporates in India spread across various industry segments and has strong business relationships with leading equipment vendors/brands.

"We help clients retain their competitive edge by empowering them to keep up with the latest technology and infrastructure without worrying about huge investments," explains Parag Kapasi, Executive Director.

Schemes that Accelerate Growth by Increasing Productivity by paying what & when you want
OPC's Core Rental Plan allows businesses to acquire the best materials without straining their resources. By just paying according to business
needs, clients can structure the rent in step up or step down mode. Under Core Rental Plan, clients can select the assets they require from any vendor and negotiate the price directly with them. In turn, OPC buys the assets that clients choose at the same price that has been fixed and rent it to them a specified duration. This helps in increasing the resources by paying only a fraction of the asset value as a rent.

We help clients retain their competitive edge by empowering them to keep up with the latest technology and infrastructure without worrying about huge investments

Unlock Value from existing Assets
With sale and lease back plan, you can unlock capital by selling your existing depreciating assets to us at a value, and rent it back from us at a Lower Total Cost of Ownership. This allows you to effectively plan for your asset replacement cycles and roll out new technology as planned. This plan doubly benefits companies whose inventory of equipments is depreciating, or critically for organizations whose benefits are being outweighed by risks and costs of ownership.

Unique Proposition on Rental Solutions
OPC provides its clients with a unique Swap Plan wherein they can sequentially phase your current depreciating assets and rented equipment in an ordered, synchronized fashion. Its high flexibility allows businesses to continue operating at peak efficiency even while their core business equipment is sent for maintenance upgrade. "You can replace your initial rental equipment with new equipment at different phases of the term, and swap your existing technology with no escalation in the payment, with just an extension in the duration of payments, corresponding to the value of the swap. Clients can even choose to increase their payment and maintain the duration," concludes Parag.