Over the past 20 years, ERP software has increasingly become more powerful and versatile, offered by an ever-changing landscape of providers. However, if the software is better than ever, implementing it has remained an expensive, frustrating exercise for many companies. ERP systems have incorporated more and more functionality over the years. But what functions do they still lack?
Enterprise performance management is one. Another is point-of-sale, even though that’s not a sophisticated system per se — every retailer has some form of it. But the integration with ERP is inconsistent at best. Making efforts to gradually meet every requirement that arises in the ERP space is the Malappuram; Kerala headquartered Atlanta IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Founded in 2002, Atlanta IT Solutions is one of the leading Software companies in Kerala, offering services in Software Development, Product Development and Research, Project Development (Services) and Multimedia solutions. “Based on the research & market requirement we have been continuously adding new features and functions into the software and as a result we are able to meet the requirements of our target customers in spite of the tremendous changes and developments in technology as well as the inflow of new innovations”, says Abdul Rasheed, MD, Atlanta.
USP Software Packages
Atlanta’s software packages atACC and atACC ERP are accepted globally for all the right reasons as Abdul explains. atACC provides a simple production module in which small and medium production companies can be managed. It promises to fetch raw materials for an item easily and at the same time enables the tracking of damaged products and raw materials.
Moreover, a ‘Bundling’ function of atACC allows super market like organizations to sell a product by combining two or more items together which, if not sold, produces a re-bundling option. atACC also helps manage the Fixed assets and movable items area. It can set depreciation rate in percentage and update the value of the assets regularly. Also, atACC provides detailed reports of all the transactions so that a customer has no difficulty analyzing the business activities efficiently.
atACC provides a simple production module in which small and medium production companies can be managed
atACC ERP is a simple support-free software fit for more than ten different business segments like traders, restaurants, hospitals, manufacturers, service centers, pharmacies, import-exporters etc. Apart from detailed accounting and inventory management, the package comprises of modules like POS, CRM, Healthcare Management, Restaurant Management, Service Management, Production, Pay Roll, Logistic Management, Warehouse Management, Project Management and Pharmacy Management. atACC comes with all the main features and functions which can be enabled/disabled as required by the customer, making it one of the main attractions of atACC. Moreover, all the important transactions like sales, cash, bank etc can be printed in any language. If used for configuring a server space, atACC works as a web based application such that data is stored in web and processing done locally.
Coming from a small town, Atlanta has overcome every obstacle to meet global standards in the product development. With the ERP software meeting global standards and representations in 25 countries, Atlanta IT Solutions is prepared to venture deep into R&D challenges in the coming years.