With the advent of smart phones and availability of highspeed internet, adoption of Field Force Automation is growing fast. As per the Technovio's analysts the global field force automation market is predicted to grow at a CAGR of 12.8 percent till 2020. Field Force Automation market growth has gained momentum owing to its capability to reduce delays and increase transparency, thus increasing the efficiency and revenue. The rapid pace of technology changes how ever,makes it difficult for companies to make the right IT choices for their operations.
FieldReports solution from Bizframe, was built ground up to address the fundamentals monitoring and reporting of actual work done at job sites using mobile smartphones. The success of any field operation, be it construction, maintenance, surveys depends on the work done at the job site. Field Reports brings instant reporting and inspection framework in the hands of field supervisors, reducing clerical work and drastically improving compliance.
Improved work visibility via mobile reporting and availability of work delivery reports directly translates to faster billing and payments cycle, improving bottom line.
A key factor where companies face hurdles stems from the fact that many software are hardcoded and any change in the field operations makes them unsuitable and obsolete. This is where Bizframe's Field Reports shines. "Ours is a platform designed keeping in mind that all data capture pro formas and processes are bound to change. That is why our clients have stayed on with us for years together. We offer turnkey solutions to all clients and manage all cloud and mobile technology at the backend," says Neeraj Gupta, Director, Bizframe Technologies.
Simplifying Field Data Collection
FieldReports solution offered by Bizframe is for engineers and supervisors who need to manage the work activity as well as report the daily activity to office. Using FieldReports, engineers can click an image of the work they are doing, add their remarks and other important information on their smart phones and send it right away to the higher authorities. FieldReports is designed to replace paper forms by mobile data capture. Reports are automatically geo tagged ensuring work transparency and accountability. The backend automation takes care of formatting, emailing PDF reports, cloud storage and dashboard report views. This saves several hours of manual and mundane documentation work.
Ours is a platform designed keeping in mind that all data capture proformas and processes are bound to change. That is why our clients have stayed on with us for years
Bizframe Technologies is a pure technology solutions company with a core team of stellar mobile and cloud developers to serve the best for its clients. Bizframe customers include government agencies for surveying of public welfare schemes, telecom companies for address verification processes and banking companies. More recently, smaller service delivery firms and work contractors in India have started using FieldReports for proof of work-delivery. "We offer free accounts for up to 3 team members. That way companies on shoestring budgets too can actively leverage Field Force automation," concludes Neeraj.