The global cloud GIS market has been witnessing explosive growth and is expected to rise to a whopping $875 million by 2020. The government sector has been the largest contributor to the global GIS market, accounting for over 28 percent of the global revenue in 2016. Increasing urbanization, with the move towards smarter cities along with the growing application of the technology in enterprises has been among the leading factors driving the demand for GIS solutions. Ajit Dharmik, who heads Nagpur-based 6Simplex Software Solutions as Director, foresees a tremendous potential in the cloud GIS market in India. However, he was quick to understand that the unwillingness of customers/organizations to trust cloud providers with their data, high entry cost for cloud services and lack of customization options are likely to thwart the growth of cloud GIS.
Built with a team that believes in telling stories through maps, 6Simplex is a leading cloud GIS solutions provider that prevails over the aforementioned challenges through a decade and a half long experience working with leading GIS software vendor such as Esri. This has enabled the firm to precisely build what customers need, without overloading the offerings with unnecessary components. The firm develops cloud applications on commercial as well as open source GIS platforms.
Among the GIS services offered at 6Simplex, Ajit Dharmik speaks of Web GIS service as an affordable and easy way of managing, processing, and sharing geospatial data. Herein the 6Simplex team exhibits great prowess in designing and developing browser based mapping, analysis and visualization applications that consume enterprise and cloud mapping services.
Their skills extend to designing GIS databases that also include advanced GIS artifacts such as domains, sub-types, topologies, geometric networks, network datasets, etc for any industry vertical. Touching upon 6Simplex's migration services, Ajit Dharmik explains, "We also help users migrate from legacy ArcGIS 9.3.1/10.0 platforms to the modern ArcGIS 10.x platform. This often involves moving data from file-based sources to database servers and moving GIS functionality from desktop environments to web and server environments as services."
6Simplex has also put forth REVELO, a data life cycle management platform designed to support planning, acquisition, analysis, visualization, sharing and archiving of all kinds of spatial and non-spatial data. A great boon for organizations that deal with tremendous amount of spatial and non-spatial data, REVELO enables them to manage data acquisition (through field surveys) with geography as well as the organization's business model in mind. Along with standard GIS functionality and advanced data management, visualization and analysis tools, the Revelo platform also brings in visibility in terms of billing and expenses of the assigned field workers.
6Simplex develops cloud applications on commercial as well as open source GIS platforms
The firm proudly boasts of a clientele that comprises of several government bodies such as the Maharashtra Remote Sensing Application Center (MRSAC), Chhattisgarh's Infotech Promotion Society (ChiPS) and Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM), to name a few. 6Simplex is collaborating with these and other Govt bodies over many ICT projects aimed at improving Govt services to citizens. With an encouraging growth rate, the firm can be expected to expand to other verticals in the near future.