Geosys Enterprise Solutions Private Limited: A Customer-Centric Solution Provider Delivering Value D

Geosys Enterprise Solutions Private Limited: A Customer-Centric Solution Provider Delivering Value D

CIO Vendor The world of GIS has evolved from being regarded as a computer based map generating system to a distributed and intelligent system of systems. In the contemporary age, GIS functions as an integrator of several disparate systems which are vital for maintaining the health of an enterprise. Geosys, headquartered in Hyderabad focuses on small and medium sized projects which accounted for over 75 percent of the global GIS market in 2016. At Geosys, they consider building and maintaining Enterprise GIS Systems which function as systems of record, engagement, Insight and integrating them to create a system of systems which are delivered to the clients as desktop, web and mobile applications.

Geosys initiates a project by understanding the vision of the key people in the organization and at the same time getting an understanding of the existing business architecture and infrastructure."We offer them a vendor and process agnostic Roadmap based on ADM (Architecture Development Method) Principles and SMART(Specific Measurable Actionable Realistic and Timely) criteria.If the client intends to utilize our Professional Services to implement the Roadmap, we then give them all viable options to choose from explaining the Pros and Cons of each. We then guide the client from procurement to the final delivery and post implementation review and support. A similar approach is used for Data Conversion / Migration and Knowledge transfer, the emphasis is more on driving value to the client rather than selling our offerings," elaborates Hari Shankar Reddy, Director, Geosys.

Geosys has also been spreading awareness on GIS and frontier application areas of GIS since 2007 and has been active in GIS education. To make their services more tangible, the company started following a product - centric approach and has been building information products for its clients based on requirements driven by
market opportunities at the same time enforcing their own internal stringent quality and delivery policies. Geosys has an expertise in working in various domains viz.,Natural Resources, Environment,Transportation,Tourism, Local Government, Public Safety, Utilities and Communication.

Geosys initiates a project by understanding the vision of the key people in the organization and at the same time get an understanding of the existing business architecture and infrastructure

Geosys has been offering VR Solutions from 2009 and AR since 2012 and is planning to enter the realm of mixed reality very soon. "We have recently been working in building our capacity in the frontier areas of Deep learning and Artificial Intelligence; we believe that these areas are at a point of inflection and we foresee a huge demand for these in commercial businesses, governments and academic sectors for making critical decisions. We are company focused on Innovation as a means of finding answers to the day to day problems and believe in the "Perfectibility" of not only humans but the planet as a whole, remarks Mr.Reddy.

"Many GIS companies are focusing on smart cities ever since this initiative was announced but we at Geosys believe in the concept of smart villages which can halt the migration of rural youth to urban centers and revitalize the agriculture based economy", says the determined Director. The company strives to address the gaps in the market and deliver solutions at scale,develop information products and collaborate with like-minded partners to bring the technology within the reach of farmers,tourists,reduce the number of accidents on roads and optimize resource utilization.