With the dynamic growth of the usage of the technology products and solutions, the data and information generation is exponentially increasing. The future suggests that data ownership, control and access are going to be the most important fields in InfoTech domain. The security and usability are two aspects which are required to be complimented. Making efforts to provide solutions and products helping the users to get both of these important aspects is the Mumbai, Maharashtra, headquartered AXS Solutions and Consulting. AXS also provides consultancy services in the domain of Customer Experience Enhancement and Product Development.
In pace with the ever increasing technology endpoints and its adoption it becomes equally important for organizations to understand the data spread, access the vulnerabilities, control and mitigate them to get the correct resolutions. With AXS's products-Soteria and Ananya, the AXS team is enabling the organizations to stay on top of these requirements. Soteria provides centralized control and management of every user's data exposure and access. Developed with latest worldwide standards including Oauth 2.0, OpenID and TLS, it allows the organization to monitor and control the user level access for various endpoints including mobile devices, laptops and desktops. Also Soteria provides comprehensive user management system where various solutions and tools presently used in the organization can be included giving single point access for the users. Further Soteria allows customizations for addition of any future tools or products by organization.
Individual user too can manage the access of his devices and endpoints allowing greater control. The built in tools identify and alert the organization for possible threat points as well as provide detailed reports for access and data exchange.
While Ananya AXS, allows access to Public Identity systems or Citizen Identity Systems to organizations. This includes Aadhar, PAN card data in India or EmiratesID in UAE. Ananya provides tools to integrate these systems at organizational level for user registrations, security verifications, attendance, and access control to name a few.
AXS also provides consultancy services in the domain of Customer Experience Enhancement and Product Development.
Echonomy to simplify digital payments:
Selected amongst the top 10 innovative products by a NASSCOM initiative called Data Security Council of India (DSCI), Echonomy is the payment communication system that works with encrypted payment message called Echo. Echo can be generated by an individual, merchant, organization or government and can be sent to one who is going to make the payment using the public identities such as EchoID, Mobile number or email address. Each user has his EchoBox where all Echo's or payment requests are received. User can make payment for Echo through Credit Card, Debit Card, Bank Account or wallet through any smart device.
With AXS and Echonomy shortlisted as Payment Innovations, 2016 by IDRBT (Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology- an initiative by RBI), AXS Solutions, believes in continual innovation to create products that stand out in the market. "Our patented technologies would allow us to extend unique advantage to our customers in the field of authorization and data security", concludes Nachiket Deshpande, Managing Director, AXS Solutions & Consultancy.