Mavin Apps: Nurturing User Engagement through Idea Centric App Development

CIO Vendor Mobile App Development companies in India are developing high quality, cross platform apps for the users with a primary focus on user engagement. Chennai headquartered, Mavin Apps specializes in iOS and Android mobile app development, mobile game development using unity framework, Web Apps with Angular framework, Web services development using Php/ MySQL, cross platform apps in MEAN STACK and Xamarin framework, and E-Commerce development.

Mavin Apps go beyond traditional approach of requirement based designing and coding by creating value through understanding the user intention and strategy. Having worked in the IT for almost a score, Sunder and Baskar have seen the ups and downs from the Y2K recession, right through the eCommerce big bang. This gave the duo insights on three major problems associated with - Customer Retention, pricing, and newer technology migration that required to be addressed. Led by Sunder and Baskar, Mavin Apps has steered clear of these challenges and secured 70 percent customer retention on a rolling 2 years period. Moreover,the company's pricing does not include the multitier management overheads, thus nominal.

"Often, enterprise Apps need to be built in a way, so that new features and /or products can be integrated in a modular manner", mentions Baskar, Technical Director, Mavin Apps. Given their extensive
experience on working with many ERP solutions, and having met many Fortune 500 client mid level managers, Mavin Apps understands the enterprise Apps architectural needs.

MavinApps looks into the enterprise technology maturity level and its adoption before getting into development. For enterprises that are lagging behind in the digitalization curve, Mavin Apps believes in adding value by engaging them to go beyond the App on consultation approach mode and help them to create a wishlist of requirements along with a roadmap on how to execute them.

When Pirate Bingo Bagged 40K Downloads
Mavin's gaming team was expanding Casino Games after Poker, Black Jack, Slots and eventually Bingo. As the team had not created any Bingo Games before, they worked on learning Math and the odds of winning a bingo. Ensuring to keep it simple, clean and highly intuitive, the team was done designing the game and published. After taking the user feedback and the company reprioritized the roadmap to retain them. This yielded more downloads and positive reviews. The gaming idea was downloaded more than 45k times and gave substantial revenue in Ads. This game also led to other leads/projects in casino gaming platform. "We have experimented largely on user engagement and retained the customer for a longer period. This also helped us on rethinking ad revenue along with cautious user segmentation", says Sunderrajan, Managing Director, Mavin Apps.

Presently, Mavin Apps is working towards Rapid Apps using cross platform and web frameworks and Algorithmic computing such as machine learning,intelligent systems and conversational systems. There is wave of interface transformation rising, and Mavin Apps is gripped to ride that wave.